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  Agios Stephanos is a village situated between Argos and Karia. It is an isolated built-up area that once belonged to Fregaina commune.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

ARIA (Settlement) LYRKIA
  Mazi or Aria, situated near the site of the ancient town Inoi, is a beautiful village built on the eastern mountainside of Mount Artemisio. Due to its altitude it is a popular summer holiday resort. Its few inhabitants (only 57 in 1991) deal with farming, olive trees, bee-keeping and cattle-raising. The stony houses keep their traditional style while there are some modern buildings, which are used as cottages. The vegetation and the springs make it attractive even to the occasional visitor.
  The ancient town of Inoi was a small town, known just for the victory of the Athenians and the Argives against the Lacedaemonians (around 460 BC). According to Pausanias, following the route from Argos to the west, one would reach Inoi, situated at the foot of Artemisio Mountain next to the modern village Mazi. There are only a few remains of the town among which a polygonal wall of a room. On the peak of the mountain there was a temple devoted to Artemis.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

CHOUNI (Settlement) LYRKIA
  On our way to Karia, there are the built-up areas of Chouni and Spaneika. There are two beautiful villages with old and modern houses scattered on both roadsides. Lately, the region has been dramatically developed due to the extended cultivation of orange and apricot trees.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

  Driving up the Mountain Farmakas- a magnificent mountain with fir trees- we reach Farmakas children camp, organised by the Municipality of Argos. It is a natural landscape full of fir trees and enough chill.
(Text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

Fregeni Community

Tel: +30 27510 75295
  The village of Fregaina is 16Km away from Argos. It is a cattle-raising village with both stony and modern houses. Its most beautiful characteristic is the church of Saint Apostles.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

  After the village of Sterna, we reach Gymno. It is a lively village situated upon the eastern mountainsides of Mountain Farmakas. With the old stony houses, the traditional fountain and the Byzantine chapel of the Virgin Mary, Gymno maintains the mountainous characteristics. At the same time, though, it is a village with characteristics of a plain, as it has smooth land, several modern houses and easy communication with Argos and Nemea.
(Text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

Kapareli Community

Tel: +30 27510 71430
  Kapareli is a village surrounded by rich and mountainous vegetation, as it is situated between the mountains of Lyrkeion and Artemisio. Opposite it is the mountain of Xerovouni (Melidoni). It is 27km away from Argos.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited April 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

Karya Community

Tel: +30 27510 75223
  Karia is one of the most beautiful mountainous villages of Argolida County. It is also the largest one with 303 inhabitants according to the 1991 census. The village is the favourite resort to all those who live in Argos, as they have the opportunity to enjoy the snow during winter. And it is only 20 kilometres away!
  The village was first built on the top of Prophet Helias. Later, the locals decided to move lower, as the cold was intolerable. During the Greek War of Independence of 1821, Karia suffered the anger of Ibrahem.
  Nowadays, the locals deal with cattle-raising, vineyards and olive trees. At the centre of the village, there is the elementary school, a stony building that ‘hosts’ few pupils, who still live in Karia. Do not forget to visit the ruins of the old watermills. They are signs of the glory that was.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

Kefalovrysso Community

Tel: +30 27510 71388
  Four kilometers after Douka and 36 km from Argos is Kefalovriso, a village among green trees and cool waters. It is one of the most beautiful and impressive mountainous villages of Argolida.
  Kefalovriso is named after the well-known spring that stands next to the church of the Virgin Mary.
  Years ago, the event of marriage was celebrated very specially and the locals followed traditional customs. Feasts lasted a whole week!
(Text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited April 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

Lyrkia Community

  Lyrkeia is more mountainous village. Its soil is suitable for vineyards, olive trees and tobacco crops.
  Lyrkeia is the capital of Lyrkeia Municipality. Its population is 779 and it is one of the most notable villages in Argolida. The locals are constantly exploit village’s fertile soil by cultivating olive trees and tobacco. After Lyrkeia, you meet the citadel of the prehistoric town of Lygeia.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited April 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

  Merkouri is a village of 30 houses, not particularly mountainous. Its inhabitants deal with olive trees, produce and cattle-raising.
  The natural environment that surrounds Merkouri is majestic. This is where Artemisio and Ktenias Mountains join.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

Neochori Community

  Neochori is 580 metres above sea level. It is a small and poor village, 35km from Argos. Lately, there is a slight development, as the locals build new houses. They mostly deal with cattle-raising and olive trees.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited April 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

Sterna Community

Tel: +30 27510 71455
  Driving towards Lyrkeia, you meet the village of Sterna, 17km from Argos. Sterna was once supplied with water by the spring of Tsiristra. There is still a tank (a ‘sterna’) in the village that dates back to Roman Ages.
  In general, it is a flat village, with no particular interest.
(text: Alexis Totsikas)
This text (extract) is cited March 2004 from the Prefecture of Argolis tourist pamphlet.

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