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Listed 100 (total found 144) sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "HERAKLIO Prefecture CRETE" .

Places of worship (144)


The Cathedral of St. Minas

The small church of St. Minas did not meet the religious needs of the constantly growing Christian community, so the demand arose for the erection of a new cathedral. The plot for the new church used to be a garden that belonged to a Turk from whom it was bought. The architect was Athanasios Moussis and in 1862 the foundation stone of one of the most magnificent and impressive Greek churches was laid. The outbreak of the Cretan revolution of 1866 demanded the stopping of the building work which will continue in 1883 in order to be completed in 1895, when the inauguration of the exquisite temple took place. The church is of the cruciform type with a dome based on a high spandrel, while internally there are also elements of a three aisle basilica. It has two bell towers, one in the northeastern corner and the other in the southeastern one. The right aisle is dedicated to Apostle Titos and the left one to St. Ten Martyrs of Crete. The inside of the church has gone through many changes with new additions. With plans of the architect Anastasios Orlandos the woodcut icon screen was replaced by another one made of marble, the same happened with the bishop's seat. The religious painting of the church was assigned to St. Kartakis who followed faithfully the principles and the models of the Byzantine icon painting. The hundredth anniversary from the inauguration of the Cathedral Church of St. Minas (1995) was celebrated with every solemnity that is suited in an equal occasion and more specifically to one of the most glorious and imposing Greek churches.

This extract is cited May 2003 from the Municipality of Heraklion URL below, which contains images.


Agia Moni

  The interesting Agia Moni is about a ten-minute drive from Ano Viannos. The church of the monastery has a very interesting portal.

Agios Georgios Galatas Church

AGIA TRIADA (Archaeological site) TYMBAKI
Within the archaeological site of Agia Triada there is the Byzantine church of Agios Georgios Galatas which was reconstructed in 1302 and contains frescoes of the fourteenth century. In the north wall outside the church there is a grave with a relief symbol of the Byzantine empire, the double headed eagle, and the date 1581. The church also has a decoration of a carved melon and an ornately carved door. The altar screen of the church was built of stone. The bell has an inscription.

Profitis Ilias Church

The church of the Profitis Ilias, at the north end of the village, is built on a rock considered to be the geographical centre of Crete. There are also nine churches from the Venetian era in the area indicating its former glory.

Profitis Ilias

  The church of the Profitis Ilias, at the north end of the village, is built on a rock considered to be the geographical centre of Crete. There are also nine churches from the Venetian era in the area indicating its former glory.

Byzantine church of Agia Zoni

  Attesting to its former importance, this village has eight churches in various states of disrepair. Of the eight, only Agia Zoni contains frescoes worth seeing. The church also possesses some old icons. It is very near the centre of the village.

Agios Pavlos Church

  The Byzantine church of Agios Pavlos is surrounded by a small cemetery and is on the east side of the road. The church dates from the fourteenth century and contains frescoes, the best of which are of the Evangelists. The church forms a small cross with a large dome and has a smaller dome above the altar. It has peculiar architecture since its narthex, which is located in the front of the church, is as large as the church itself.

This extract is cited Dec 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Byzantine church of Agii Theodori

  Between Plora and the Apezanon Monastery is the village of Agios Kirilos. On the north exit of the village, the church of Agii Theodori is located on the top of a hill. The church has a stone altar screen, supporting arches, and there are traces of frescoes.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Byzantine church of St. Thomas

  In the centre of the village is the Byzantine church of Agios Thomas in the style of a three-aisled basilica with a narthex in front of the church. The narthex is separated into three parts and is as high as the nave of the main church. There is a large dome at the intersection of the narthex and the nave.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Panagia Spiliotissa

  The church of the Panagia Spiliotisa (Virgin of the Cave) has been built within a cave of the mountain. Just outside the cave, on the side of the mountain, there is an ancient Greek inscription of marble. Around 1910 two English archaeologists secretly excavated a statue of a goddess which is now in Boston.

Agios Iasatos byzantine church

  The small church of Agios Iasatos is both very interesting and unusual. It has been carved from a large rock and in front of it there are the remains of an ancient Greek temple.

Michael Archangelos byzantine church

  The Byzantine church of Michael Archangelos is 5 minutes from the centre of the village and contains frescoes from the twelfth century.

Agios Ioannis Prodromos byzantine church

  Agios Vasilios contains a very old Byzantine church which was renovated in 1291. In the church of Agios Ioannis Prodromos there are some interesting, well-preserved frescoes by Fokas. The church belongs to the Sinai Monastery which is near the village.

Agii Apostoli & Panagia venetian church

  From Agios Vasilios you can reach the church of Agii Apostoli and the Panagia. This is a Venetian church high in the mountains, near a Venetian castle on a difficult road. The church is open and there is a relief of a coat of arms.

Sotiras Christos Church

  The church of Sotiras is in the centre of the village.

Agios Vlassis Church

Byzantine church of the Panagia

  The Byzantine church of the Panagia in Alagni has cruciform architecture with a dome in the centre. Outside the church there is an interesting old grave.

Byzantine church of Michael Archangelos

  The church of Michael Archangelos is in the location Vlahiana, on the east of the village of Ano Asites. The two-aisled church has well-executed decorations in relief on the exteriors of the doors, decorative plates (rosettes), and an unusual back window. From the church there is a good view of the valley below.

This extract is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Agii Apostoli byzantine church

  The Byzantine church of Agii Apostoli is in the centre of the village, has cruciform architecture with a dome in its centre and a large narthex in the front of the church which is as high as the dome.

Agia Varvara

  Agia Varvara Church has only one good fresco, that of Sts. Peter and Paul.

Byzantine church of Agia Pelagia

  An older church, Agia Pelagia, (1360) contains many more frescoes which are in better condition.

Zoodochos Pigi

At the place ‘Prinias’, near the village Archondiko there is the church of Virgin Mary the Life-giver, with old frescos.

Agios Ioannis (St. John)

The church of Agios Ioannis (St. John) on the way to the archaeological site of Galatiani Kefala.

Byzantine church of Michael Archangel

  In the village cemetery there is the Byzantine church of Michael Archangelos. The church has cruciform architecture and the transept is higher than the nave. The church has a narthex with a dome, and decorated blind arches with columns. Its entrance door has interesting decorations and there is an unusual melon relief on the external wall. The church also contains frescoes.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

In the village cemetery there is the Byzantine church of Michael Archangelos. The church has cruciform architecture and the transept is higher than the nave. The church has a narthex with a dome, and decorated blind arches with columns. Its entrance door has interesting decorations and there is an unusual melon relief on the external wall. The church also contains frescoes.

Virgin Mary

The church of Virgin Mary in Arkalochori with old frescos

Profitis Ilias

The church of Profitis Ilias built at the top of the hill where the ancient cave was found is a landmark of Arkalochori.

Michael Archangelos post byzantine church


Agios Pandeleimonas and Panagia Church

  In the middle of the village is the Byzantine church of Agios Pandeleimonas and the Panagia.

The Byzantine church of Panagia

  Τhe church of the Panagia has a unique relief of the Byzantine eagle carved on the front and inside is a grave with an coat of arms in relief on it.

Agia Anna & Agios Nikolaos byzantine church

  Agia Anna and Agios Nikolaos is the cemetery church of the village. It is a two-aisled church and contains frescoes from the fifteenth century.

Panagia late byzantine church

  In the church of the Panagia (by the clock-tower), from the fourteenth century, there are interesting frescoes.

Archangel Michael

Byzantine monument decorated with frescoes of the provincial palaeologian style.

Byzantine church of Agia Paraskevi


Byzantine church of Agios Ioannis

  Within the village is the Byzantine church Agios Ioannis which contains frescoes. In particular, Agios Ioannis has very striking frescoes, especially the one of Christ ascending into heaven. Giuseppe Gerola (1900 Italian historical photographer) considered it to be among the best in Crete.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Within the village is the Byzantine church Agios Ioannis which contains frescoes. In particular, Agios Ioannis has very striking frescoes, especially the one of Christ ascending into heaven. Giuseppe Gerola (1900 Italian historical photographer) considered it to be among the best in Crete.

Byzantine church of the Panagia Limniotissa

  The Byzantine church of the Panagia Limniotisa is located in the area of Kefala, 1.5km from Episkopi, and contains frescoes from the eleventh century. The single-aisled church has blind arches on the side of the church with brick decorations, some frescoes, and a (collapsed) dome. A window in the middle section has a column in the middle.

Byzantine church of Michael Archangelos

Byzantine church of Evangelismos

  In the village of Evangelismos is the Byzantine church of Evangelismos containing some unusual frescoes, including one that represents Adam and Eve in paradise. The church has cruciform architecture without a dome and the transept of the church is higher than the nave.

Byzantine church of the Panagia

  The Byzantine church of the Panagia, northwest of the village, is built on the remains of a seventh century church. The older church was a basilica with three aisles. The newer church, dating from the beginning of the second Byzantine period (11C) has the typical cruciform style of the Byzantine churches. The two axis of the cross are higher than the rest of the church which has a rectangular perimeter. A dome with windows is on top of the church and the windows around the church are decorated with bricks and arches. The church contains many remains of frescoes in addition to a marble relief from the earlier church representing a wild animal and two wild goats.

This text is cited Jan 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Panagia Hanoutias byzantine church

GERGERI (Small town) ROUVA
  Near the village is the church of the Panagia Hanoutias which contains frescoes (in poor condition) dating from 1443. The side window of the church is one of the most artistic ones in Crete.

Near the village is the church of the Panagia Hanoutias which contains frescoes (in poor condition) dating from 1443. The side window of the church is one of the most artistic ones in Crete. The church is in the village cemetery on a right hand turn before the signposted turn to Rouva.

Byzantine church of Sotiras Christos

  The Byzantine church of Sotiras Christos is beside the large modern church in the village. It has many unusual reliefs on the outside walls.

The Byzantine church of the Panagia

  In the location Apomarma (south of Gergeri, there is a sign at the west end of the village), there is the single-ailed Byzantine church of the Panagia with marble reliefs inside.

Church of Saint Titos

With the recovery of Crete from Nikiforos Fokas, the seat of the bishopric is transferred from Gortyna to Chandakas, which became the capital of the island. The new cathedral, which is the most established and largest in the city, is dedicated to the Apostle Titos. Here, amongst other relics, there are gathered the Holy Skull of the Apostle and the miraculous icon of Messopapaditissas. When the Venetians took over Crete, they installed in the orthodox bishop the Latin archbishop, converting by that the church of St. Titos into a Latin bishop. In the middle of the 15th century, the Latin archbishop, F. Dandolo is renovating the church. Other distractions, caused by earthquakes and fire, resulted to the rebuilding of the church from the start around 1557. The church was a basilica, almost square in shape, with a dome in the middle and a bell-tower in the southwest corner. The church from the inside was divided in three aisles with two series of columns. During the Turkish period, the church was given to Fazil Ahmet Kioprouli and it was changed into a mosque, while the bell - tower was tranformed into a minaret. The big earthquake of 1856 destroyed the temple which is being, once more, rebuilt. After the exchange of populations, the Church of Crete repaired it accordingly, and in 1925 it was dedicated again to Apostle Titos. East of the church there was the building of the archdiocese.

This extract is cited May 2003 from the Municipality of Heraklion URL below, which contains images.

Church of Panagia Stavroforon

It is the Latin monastery of the Crusaders (Crosecchieri) which during the Turkish occupation was made into a mosque with the name of Angebout Pasha. It is of a basilica type with the middle aisle higher than the others. The aisles were connected to each other with two lines of columns that formed arches. The roof of the middle aisle was a two slope one and the other one of one slope.

This text is cited May 2003 from the Municipality of Heraklion URL below, which contains images.

Church St. Minas & Pantanassa

It is the small church of St. Minas and Pantanassa and it is situated southwest of the church of St. Aikaterini of Sinai. It is mentioned in the church catalogues of Chandakas of the Venetian period. Only a characteristic gothic window of the period before 1735, of the north aisle, survives today. During the Turkish siege, the church fell into disuse until 1735, when, after the efforts of the bishop Gerassimo Letitzi, to whose family house also belonged the old deserted church, the inauguration of the renovated metropolitan church took place. It became the centre of the orthodox Christians of the Turkish occupied city. The temple had two aisles roofed with two arches, the north aisle was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the south one to St. Minas. Today's form of the monument is not much different from the Turkish one. The icon - screen, especially the one of the north aisle, is a magnificent sample of ecclesiastical woodcarving (it is gold plated and it is divided by little columns, between them there were the icons). A lot of the churches' relics are found today in the church of St. Aikaterini, most of them, though, have been destroyed. A big number of the icons that still survive today is work of Cretan icon painters of the 18th century of great artistic value. Some significant ones of the north aisle is the icon of Christ's Birth (of Georgios Kydoniaios), the icon of Panayia Galaktotrofousa (of Georgios Kastrofylakas), of the Ypapanti of the same artist, of St. Minas (of an unknown artist) and other icons equally important. Some significant icons of the south aisle is the one of St. Titos with 12 representations from the life of the ten saints martyrs of Crete, the icon of St. Minas with twelve representations of the saint's martyrdom and miracles, the icon of Adam's Creation and others. From the most valuable works of the church are: Vatos, the Divine Liturgy, "Noli me tangere", The Adoration of the Magi, The Last Supper and the First Ecumenical Synod, now all these are found in the Church of St. Aikaterini. This church of St. Minas is connected with one of the most atrocious moments of the local history. In June 1821 Turks slaughtered the metropolitan bishop, Gerasimo Pardali, Bishops, Reverend Fathers, Clerics and civilians that were inside the church and in the precinct. It is also worth noting here the miracle of 1826 which is connected with St. Minas and his church. At Easter of that year and while Christians were inside the church, taking part in the Mass, Turks decided to attack and slaughter them. At the moment, though when they were ready for this atrocious deed, an army officer on his horse appeared in front of them and by showing his sword against them, he prevented them and chased them away from the temple. The Turks thought that the officer was their second in command Ayian Aga that is why they left in panic. From the other hand, the Christians believed that it was a miracle and that the rider was St. Minas himself who protected the people and the city. The church was destroyed after the big earthquake of 1856 and a year later it is renovated. During these years, in the middle of 19th century a bell is being put for the first time in the cathedral.

This extract is cited May 2003 from the Municipality of Heraklion URL below, which contains images.

Agios Antonios byzantine church

  Near the sea is the church of Agios Antonios of Odigitria Monastery. The church is partially built in a cave in a rocky hill. It has a single aisle and two transverse narthex at the front which form a T with the church. Both narthexes have a dome, the second of which is supported on a drum (timpanon) which has narrow windows. The door of the church has unusual stone constructions and a bell just above the door.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Byzantine church of Agios Georgios the Kamariotis

  The three-aisled Byzantine church of Agios Georgios the Kamariotis is dedicated to Agios Nikolaos, Afentis Christos and Agios Georgios. Its entrance door, between the narthex and the main church, is unique with exceptional decorations. Above the entrance door is the lion of St. Mark and on the two sides are coat of arms of the fourteenth century. The central aisle has the coat of arms of Kalergis (an important Cretan family during the Venetian era) and the Byzantine double-headed eagle. On the south door is the date 1629.

This text is cited Dec 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Panagia church

  The Byzantine church of the Panagia, has two aisles and many frescoes. An old grave is within the church.

Panagia late byzantine church

  This single-aisled church has a narthex in the front part which is at right angles to the aisle and has a length approximately equal to the length of the church, thus forming a T with the church. The narthex is separated into three aisles parallel to the aisle of the church. The church of the Panagia contains frescoes in good condition and an inscription of 1401.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Agia Fotini and Agios Spiridon byzantine church

  In Kastelli is the Byzantine church of Agia Fotini and Agios Spiridon. The church has an unusual shape composed of two aisles, one shorter and smaller than the other. The exterior decorations of the windows and doors are interesting.

Sotiras byzantine church

  In the nearby village of Kato Viannos is the church of Sotiras which also contains frescoes.

Agios Antonios Church

  Agios Antonios is reached by a path from the Panagia. It is a small church with a few frescoes.

The Panagia Church

  The church of the Panagia is on the west side of the village in the middle of a plain and has beautiful architecture and some traces of old frescoes.

Metamorphosis of Sotiras

  The Byzantine church of Metamorphosis of Sotiras, Agios Nikolaos and Agios Dimitrios has three aisles and five blue-coloured domes in the shape of a cross, the central one higher than the others. The doors are interestingly decorated.

Agios Charalambos Church

  In Agios Charalambos the locals trapped and burned 370 Turkish Albanians during the second year of the Cretan revolution against the Turks. The Turks had used a small child as hostage who also died from asphyxiation.

The Panagia Kera church

  The small church of Panagia Kera, above Agios Charalambos is very ancient looking. It was burnt by the Turks in 1866. The Metamorphosis of Christos, and Agios Georgios are two more Byzantine churches in the region.

Byzantine church of Agios Ioannis Theologos

  The Byzantine church of Agios Ioannis Theologos has been built on top of an ancient basilica using material from the basilica. The remains of the older three-aisled basilica are still visible.

Byzantine church of Timios Stavros

LYKTOS (Ancient city) KASTELI
  The city also existed in Byzantine times. The church of Timios Stavros is built on the site of an earlier, fifth century, basilica.

The cave chapel of the Panagia

  The small Byzantine church of the Panagia built within a cave, with two marble altars and column capitals from an earlier church of the first Byzantine period, is located here.

Panagia church

The village of Mires is 53km south of Iraklion on the road Iraklion - Agia Varvara - Agii Deka - Mires. It is a busy commercial town in the centre of the Mesara Plain. There are a number of Byzantine churches in the area near Mires.

Byzantine church of Timios Stavros

  The Byzantine church of Timios Stavros is a small, well-preserved, white-washed church. It is cruciform with a dome which has characteristic arches inside.

The Byzantine church of the Panagia

  In the small village Monohoro, just north of Mires, is the Byzantine church of the Panagia. The church of the Panagia contains frescoes of 1345, in one the donor is presented in a garden. The church has an unusual door with relief and paintings above the it. Another old collapsed church is just in front of the Panagia.

This extract is cited Dec 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Byzantine church of Agios Pandeleimonas

PIGI (Settlement) KASTELI
  In Pigi the Byzantine church of Agios Pandeleimonas, one of the oldest on Crete, is in a serene setting near trees and water. It is a three-aisled basilica and the three aisles are separated by four arches in each aile. The last arch towards the sanctuary is higher and circular. The arches are supported by columns without capitals. One column is constructed from column capitals only, one above the other. Those and many other parts of the church seem to have been taken from older Byzantine or Roman buildings on the site. The outside walls of the church are decorated with marbles, crosses, and inscriptions. One side of the church has blind Byzantine brick arches that extend nearly to the roof of the church. The frescoes in the church are in two overlapping layers with the first layer containing some of the oldest paintings in Crete.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Afentis Christos chapel

  The chapel of Afentis Christos is a small, single-roomed church and contains some frescoes.

Agii Georgios and Konstantinos byzantine church

  In the middle of the town on the south side of the street and clearly marked, is the fourteenth century church of Agii Georgios and Konstantinos. There are some well-preserved frescoes as well as some old inscriptions dating from 1314. The frescoes on the south aisle are unique in the Byzantine world since they present a series of events in the life of Byzantine Emperor Konstantinos the Great. Events from his birth, childhood, the crowning of his son and the battle on the Milvian bridge are shown.

This extract is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

The Panagia Church

  Within the village of Pirgou is the Byzantine church of the Panagia. It has a symmetric cruciform architecture with a dome. The church is in between old village buildings.

Agios Ioannis Church

Agios Georgios Church

  The newer large church of Agios Georgios has lion decorations on its top.

Byzantine church of Zoodohos Pigi

  Outside the village of Pirgou, on the road to Asites, there is a sign to the church of Zoodohos Pigi. The church of Zoodohos Pigi was part of the monastery of Gorgoliani. It is in a very beautiful location with a view of the valley below and the mountains on the other side. Trees and vineyards, complete the scene. Recently large springs have been found nearby. Two aisles of the church remain, but it must have been a three-aisled basilica. There are stone reliefs outside the church. An old mill and an old wine press have been found in the church yard. The church has been renovated and the surrounding yard is very pleasant.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

The Panagia Church

RODIA (Small town) GAZI
  On the main road, in the centre of the village, there is an interesting Venetian villa and the church of the Panagia. The church has lovely portals, as does the villa next to it.

Is a church of Byzantine B' period, which gave its name to the settlement of Rodia.

The Byzantine church of Agios Ioannis

  The church of Agios Ioannis dates from the eleventh century. It has cruciform architecture with a dome in the centre. The parts of the church outside the cross are lower than the main church and there are external brick decorations on blind arches and windows. At the back there is a window divided into two by a column which has a column capital.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Byzantine church of the Panagia Kera

  The Byzantine church of the Panagia Kera has one of the most decorative church doors on Crete and an artistic back window. The church has two aisles and it was covered with frescoes, but few are visible today.

Byzantine church of Agia Paraskevi

  The church of Agia Paraskevi is on the west side of the road at the north end of the village. It is easy to miss as it is below the road. The small church is built on the slope of the hill, it has a dome on a drum and remains of frescoes are still visible.

Byzantine church of Esodia Theotokou

  The village of Sklaverohori contains a Byzantine church, the Presentation of the Virgin (Esodia Theotokou) with well-preserved frescoes of the fifteenth-sixteenth century that are of high artistic quality.

Church of Agia Paraskevi

  Outside the cave is the Byzantine church of Agia Paraskevi dating from the Venetian period.

Metamorphosis, Agii Georgios, Pantes & Zoni

  The road continues to the top of Mount Youktas and the Byzantine church of Metamorphosis, Agios Georgios, Agii Pandes, and Agia Zoni. There is a spectacular view of the valley from this point, including the double peaks of Kanli Kastelli and the mountains of western Crete, as well as the Asterousia Mountains in the south.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains image.

Byzantine church of Agios Georgios

  On the road from Vori to Timbaki (1km) is the Byzantine church of Agios Georgios, which contains frescoes and an inscription of 1380.

Byzantine church of Timios Stavros

  The Byzantine church of Timios Stavros has pleasant external decorations and an interesting window. Few of the frescoes remain.

Agios Fanourios Church

  The two aisles of the church were constructed and painted at different times: the northern aisle is the oldest with dates inscribed in the wall of 1332 and 1404, the southern one is next with an inscription dated 1400-1428. The church is a very rare example of a church with two narthex at the entrance of the church, both at right angles to the two aisles of the church. The church contains interesting exterior decorations of bricks. The doors and round windows are exceptionally well-carved. It is one of the best examples of Gothic influence in the exterior decoration of Byzantine churches in Crete; also the church contains some very well-preserved frescoes.

This text is cited Dec 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Byzantine church of the Panagia

  In the village of Panagia near Zaros, is the very interesting three-ailed basilica of the Panagia. There are Byzantine marble reliefs inside the church and a column of a previous church or older temple is still standing in the church. Above the entrance portal there is a small window with Byzantine marble reliefs decorating it.

This text is cited Dec 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Country churches

Agios Georgios

  Agios Georgios (1401), with frescoes by Ioannis Mousouros, is of interest. The church is located below the village in a pleasant valley.

Byzantine church of Agios Georgios

  The Byzantine church of Agios Georgios is in a pleasant forested area and has noteworthy exterior decorations and a few paintings inside. South of the village of Episkopi a dirt road goes down the valley.

Agios Ioannis - Almyros Gorge


Agia Paraskevi - Almyros Gorge


Agia Irini Monastery

  The monastery of Agia Irini is very old, probably dating from the last years of Venetian rule in Crete. It is a picturesque monastery in a very beautiful setting high up in a mountain. The road to it is very good. The convent is well kept and pleasant to visit. The main church of the monastery is a double-aisle basilica. The monastery was one of the richest in the region in the early years of the Turkish occupation but it was destroyed by the Turks in 1822 and all its monks were killed. It was rebuilt in 1940 and the first monks arrived in 1944. Today it is occupied by women and is one of the few prospering monasteries on Crete.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Agia Pelagia Monastery

Dates back to 1300 AD

  The monastery is below the village and can be reached in a ten minute walk.

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