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Listed 7 sub titles with search on: Mythology  for wider area of: "LARISSA Province THESSALIA" .

Mythology (7)

Eponymous founders or settlers


GYRTON (Ancient city) LARISSA
Gyrton, a brother of Phlegyas, who built the town of Gyrton on the Peneius, and from whom it received its name. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Turton.) Others derived the name of that town from Gyrtone, who is called a daughter of Phlegyas. (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 57; comp. Muller, Orchom. p. 189, 2d edit.)

First ancestors


Aleuas and Aleuadae (Aleuadai). Aleuas is the ancestorial hero of the Thessalian, or, more particularly, of the Larissaean family of the Aleuadae (Pind. Pyth. x. 8). The Aleuadae were the noblest and most powerful among all the families of Thessaly, whence Herodotus (vii. 6) calls its members Basileis. The first Aleuas, who bore the surname of Purros, that is, the red-haired, is called king (here synonymous with Tagus) of Thessaly, and a descendant of Heracles through Thessalus, one of the many sons of Heracles. (Suidas, s. v. Aleuadai; Ulpian, ad Dem. Olynth. i.; Schol. (ad Apollon. Rhod. iii. 1090; Vellei. i. 3.) Plutarch (de Am. Frat. in, fin.) states, that he was hated by his father on account of his haughty and savage character; but his uncle nevertheless contrived to get him elected king and sanctioned by the god of Delphi. His reign was more glorious than that of any of his ancestors, and the nation rose in power and importance. This Aleuas, who belongs to the mythical period of Greek history, is in all probability the same as the one who, according to Hegemon (ap. Ael. Anim. viii. 11), was beloved by a dragon. According to Aristotle (ap. Harpocrat. s.v. Tetrarchia) the division of Thessaly into four parts, of which traces remained down to the latest times, took place in the reign of the first Aleuas. Buttmann places this hero in the period between the so-called return of the Heraclids and the age of Peisistratus. But even earlier than the time of Peisistratus the family of the Aleuadac appears to have become divided into two branches, the Aleuadae and the Scopadae, called after Scopas, probably a son of Aleuas. (Ov. Ibis, 512.) The Scopadae inhabited Crannon and perhaps Pharsalus also, while the main branch, the Aleuadae, remained at Larissa. The influence of the families, however, was not confined to these towns, but extended more or less over the greater part of Thessaly. They formed in reality a powerful aristocratic party (Basileis) in opposition to the great body of the Thessalians. (Herod. vii. 172)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks



GYRTON (Ancient city) LARISSA
Phalereus. A son of Alcon, and grandson of Erechtheus or Eurysthenes, was one of the Argonauts, and the founder of Gyrton. (Orph. Arg. 144.) He is said to have emigrated with his daughter Chalciope or Chalcippe to Chalcis in Euboea, and when his father demanded that he should be sent back, the Chalcidians refused to deliver him up. (Schol. ad Apollon. Riod. i. 97.) In the port of Phalerum near Athens, which was believed to have derived its name front him, an altar was dedicated to him. (Paus. i. l.4.)

Abas, son of Lynceus

Some take the Pelasgian Argos as a Thessalian city once situated in the neighborhood of Larisa but now no longer existent; but others take it, not as a city, but as the plain of the Thessalians, which is referred to by this name because Abas, who brought a colony there from Argos, so named it (Strab. 9,5,5).


Historic figures


ATRAX (Ancient city) THESSALIA
Atrax, a son of Peneius and Bura, from whom the town of Atrax in Hestiaeotis was believed to have derived its name. (Steph. Byz. s. v.) He was the father of Hippodameia and Caenis, the latter of whom by the will of Poseidon was changed into a man, and named Caenus. (Antonin. Lib. 17; Ov. Met. xii. 190, &c.)


GYRTON (Ancient city) LARISSA
Daughter of Phlegyas.

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