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  The lake Voulkaria or "Mirtountion" according to Stravon stretches on the North side of the city (of Paleros). This lake is probably the remnant of a lagoon covering the valey of Paleros during the Homeric period. This lagoon is referred to have been a saver for the Queen of Egypt, Kleopatra, as a result of its shallowness. After Kleopatra’s defeat by the Romans in the naval battle of Aktion in the year 31 A.D. and chased by her enemies, she managed to cross with ease in her light-built ships via the shallow canal of Paleros, while the heavily armed Roman ships were obstructed by the bed of the canal. The name of the canal, the "Mole of Kleopatra" has been kept as a memory ot the Queen’s crossing.
This text (extract) is cited August 2003 from the Municipality of Kekropia tourist pamphlet.

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