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Agaryones Community

Tel: +30 22540 51289
  We do not know if the village called Agariones is the one mentioned as Arioni in the monasteries' documents of 1355 or the one referred to as Kariones in the codes of Pantokratoros Monastery. Anyway, the Monastery of Pantokratoros seemed to have had a significant property in region: The farmhouse of Ano Chorion, the Monastery of Christ's Metamorphosis and a tower called Alexopyrgos. This tower was built in honour of the founder of Pantokratoros Monastery, Alexios Komninos or Alexios Strategopoulos.
This text (extract) is cited May 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

Kondias Community

  Kondias was a municipality till 1914. It was mentioned that many years ago two Peloponnesian landowners used to live here. Their names were Kondeas and Chandreas. So the village was named Kondias and the river of the region, Chandrias. Kondias is undoubtedly one of the most traditional villages of the island. The stone built houses are quite characteristic. Many of these once belonged to shipowners, who lived in the village. Coming out of the village to Tsimandria one meets plane trees and eucalyptus, quite impressive for the island.
This text (extract) is cited June 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

Livadochori Community

Tel: +30 22540 92451
  Livadochori is first referred in 1355. As it is located in the center of a fertile plain it was quickly developed. Part ot its importance must be due to the neighbouring Monastery of Aghios Pavlos, where the Limnian Metropolis was transferred after 1390 and before 1447. This Monastery possessed a quite large region, the most fertile on the island. It was said that Constandinos Palaiologos himself gave the Monastery to the Limnian population in order to use its income for educational and ecclesiastical purposes. In the beginning of the 19th century a Sultan's document was granted to the Christian community. Since then it is administered by a Pallimnian Committte.
This text (extract) is cited May 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

Nea Koutali Community

Tel: +30 22540 92383
  Nea Koutali is a refugee village. It was created in 1926 when 351 people from the little island Koutali of Propondida came here. They continued to fish sponges near the coasts of North Africa. Panagis the Koutalian was probably the most famous of them all. He lived at the end of the last century and became famous as a wrestler.
This text (extract) is cited May 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

Pedino Community

Tel: +30 22540 92435
  Pedino or Pisperago as it was earlier named is refered to on a golden bull document in 1393 in which the possessions of Pantokratoros Monastery are described. This was one of the villages of Limnos which owned sailing vessels during the last century. It was destroyed by the earthquakes in 1968 and transferred to the region of Nea Koutali. However many of the houses of the village, most of them with beautiful gardens, have been rebuilt and are inhabited.
This text (extract) is cited May 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

Portiano Community

Tel: +30 22540 51222
  The Alliance Army had encamped at Portianou in 1915. There Winston Churchill installed his head quarters while conducting the enterprises of the Allied Powers at Kallipolis. The house where he used to live was recently renovated. The cemetery of those killed at Kallipoli lies just outside Portianou. A folklore Museum exists in Portianou. This is the first and only one of its kind on the island.
This text (extract) is cited May 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

Tsimandria Community

Tel: +30 22540 51344
  The village of Tsimandria is referred to as Simandria in 1569. According to tradition, the region once belonged to the Byzantine emperor Ioannis Tsimiskis. The phrase "at the mandres of Tsimiskis" became Tsimandria. Mandra in the local dialect means farmhouse. Ruins of Phtheris - the Byzantines called it Pterion or Pterin - exist in this region. It was a farmhouse belonging to the monastery of Taxiarchis Michael and later to that of Aghios Ioannis of Patmos. Thismandria was the first village in Limnos to be liberated in 1912.
This text (extract) is cited May 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

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