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Various locations (42)

Ancient place-names

Platanus town

  Platanus (Platanous), according to the Stadiasmus ( § § 178, 179), a coast-town of Cilicia Aspera, 350 stadia west of Anemuriun. This distance is incorrect. Beaufort remarks that between the plain of Selinti and the promontory of Anamur, a distance of 30 miles, the ridge of bare rocky hills forming the coast is interrupted but twice by narrow valleys, which conduct the mountain torrents to the sea. The first of these is Kharadra; the other is halfway between that place and Anamur. The latter, therefore, seems the site of Platanus, that is, about 150 stadia from Anemurium. The whole of that rocky district, which was very dangerous to navigators, seems to have derived the name of Platanistus (Strab. xiv. p. 669) from Platanus. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 200).

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Daphne, a celebrated grove and sanctuary of Apollo, near Antioch in Syria. Both locally and historically it was so closely connected with the Syrian metropolis, that we can hardly consider the one without the other. We have seen that Antioch was frequently called A. epi Daphei and he pros Daphnen, and conversely we find Daphne entitled D. he pros Antiocheian. (Joseph. B. J. i. 12. § 5.) Though really distant a few miles from Antioch, it was called one of its suburbs. If Antioch has been compared to Paris, Daphne may be called its Versailles.
  It was situated to the west, or rather to the south-west, of Antioch, at a distance of about 5 miles, or 40 stadia, and on higher ground than the metropolis itself (huperkeitai tettarakonta stadious he Daphne, Strab. xvi.). The place was naturally of extreme beauty, with perennial fountains, and abundant wood.Here a sanctuary was established, with the privileges of asylum (2 Macc. iv. 33; Polyaen. viii. 50), which became famous throughout the heathen world, and remained for centuries a place of pilgrimage, and the scene of an almost perpetual festival of vice. The zeal with which Gibbon has described it, in his twenty-third chapter, is well known.
  Daphne, like Antioch, owed its origin to Seleucus Nicator; and, as in the case of his metropolis, so he associated the religious suburb with mythological traditions, which were intended to glorify his family. The fame of Apollo was connected with his own. The fable of the river Peneus was appropriated; and the tree was even shown into which the nymph Daphne was transformed.1 One of the fountains received the name of the Castalian spring, and the chief honours of the new sanctuary were borrowed from Delphi. In the midst of a rich and deep grove of bay trees and cypresses (Procop. B. Pers. ii. 14), with baths, gardens, and colonnades on every side, Seleucus built the temple of Apollo and Diana. The statue of the god was colossal: its material was partly marble, and partly wood; the artist was Bryaxis the Athenian, whose works were long celebrated at Rhodes and elsewhere. (Clem. Alex. Protr. § 47.) It is described at length by Libanius (Monod. de Daphnaeo Templo, iii. 334), who states that the god was represented with a harp, and as if in the act of singing (eoikei aidonti melos). With the worship of Apollo Antiochus Epiphanes associated that of Jupiter in the sanctuary of Daphne. This monarch erected here, in honour of that divinity (with whom he was singularly fond of identifying himself), a colossal statue of ivory and gold, resembling that of Phidias at Olympia. Games also. were established in his honour, as may be seen by extant coins of Antioch. (See Muller's Antiq. Antiochenae, p. 64, note 12.) The games of Daphne are described in Athenaeus. (Ibid. note 13.) What has been said may be enough to give the reader some notion of this celebrated place in the time of the Seleucidae, and in its relation to the Oriental Greeks before the Roman occupation of Syria. It ought to be added, that the road between Antioch and Daphne, which passed through the intermediate suburb of Heracleia, was bordered by gardens, fountains, and splendid buildings, suitable to the gay processions that thronged from the city gate to the scene of consecrated pleasure.
  The celebrity of Daphne continued unimpaired for a long period under the Romans, from Pompey to Constantine. It seems to have been Pompey who enlarged the dimensions of the sacred enclosure to the circumference of 80 stadia, or 10 miles, mentioned by Strabo (l. c.; see Eutrop. vi. 14). Some of the aqueducts erected for the use of Antioch by the Roman emperors were connected with the springs of Daphne. (Malala, pp. 243; 278.) The reign of Trajan was remarkable in the annals of the place for the restoration of the buildings destroyed by an earthquake. That of Commodus was still more memorable on account of the establishment (or rather the re-establishment) of periodical Olympian games at Antioch; for the stadium of Daphne was the scene of the festive contests. This was the time of that corruption of manners (the Daphnici mores of Marcus Antoninus) under which Roman soldiers and Roman emperors suffered so seriously in the Syrian metropolis.
  The decay of Daphne must be dated from the reign of Julian, when the struggle between Heathenism and Christianity was decided in favour of the latter. Constantine erected a statue of Helena within the ancient sanctuary of Apollo and Jupiter, and the great church at Antioch was roofed with cypresswood from Daphne; which, about the reign of Zeno, fell into the condition of an ordinary Syrian town.
  It is needless to pursue the history further. Among modern travellers, Pococke and Richter have fixed the site of Daphne at Beit-el-Maa, the distance of which from Antakia agrees with the ancient measurement, and where some poor remains are found near a number of abundant fountains. Forbiger (Alte Geographie, vol. ii. p. 657) thinks with Kinneir that the true position is at Babyla; but, though the apparent connection of this name with that of the martyr Babylas gives some ground for this opinion, the distance from Antioch is too great; and the former view is probably correct. No detailed account of the remains has been given. Poujoulat says (Corr. d'Orient. viii. 38), A cote de la plus profonde fontaine de Beit-el-moie, on remarque des debris massifs appartenant a un edifice des ages recules: si jetais antiquaire et savant, je pourrais peut etre prouver que ces restes sont ceux du Temple d'Apollon.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited July 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Orontes river

Orontes. The largest river of Syria, rising in the Anti-Libanus, flowing past Antioch, and falling into the sea at the foot of Mount Pieria. Its earlier name was Typhon (Strabo, p. 750).

Orontes, the most renowned river of Syria, used by the poet Juvenal for the country, in Tiberim defluxit Orontes. (Juv. iii.) Its original name, according to Strabo, was Typhon (Tuphon), and his account both of its earlier and later names, follows his description of Antioch. The river Orontes flows near the city. This river rising in Coele-Syria, then sinking beneath the earth, again issues forth, and, passing through the district of Apamea to Antiocheia, after approaching the city, runs off to the sea towards Seleuceia. It received its name from one Orontes, who built a bridge over it, having been formerly called Typhon, from a mythic dragon, who being struck with lightning, fled in quest of a hiding-place, and after marking out the course of the stream with its trail, plunged into the earth, from whence forthwith issued the fountain. He places its embouchure 40 stadia from Seleuceia. He elsewhere places the source of the river more definitely near to Libanus and the Paradise, and the Egyptian wall, by the country of Apamea. Its sources have been visited and described in later times by Mr. Barker in 1835. The river is called by the people El-A/si, "the rebel," from its refusal to water the fields without the compulsion of water-wheels, according to Abulfeda (Tab. Syr. p. 149), but according to Mr. Barker, from its occasional violence and windings, during a course of about 200 miles in a northerly direction, passing through Hems and Hamah, and finally discharging itself into the sea at Suweidiah near Antioch. (Journal of the Geog. Soc. vol. vii. p. 99.) The most remote of these sources is only a few miles north of Baalbek, near a village called Labweh, at the foot of the range of Anti-libanus on the top of a hillock, near which passes a small stream, which has its source in the adjoining mountains, and after flowing for several hours through the plain, falls into the basin from which springs the Orontes. These fountains are about 12 hours north of Labweh, near the village Kurmul, where is a remarkable monument, square, and solid, terminating above in a pyramid from 60 to 70 feet high. On the four sides hunting scenes are sculptured in relief, of which the drawing borders on the grotesque. (Robinson, Journal of Geog. Soc. vol. xxiv. p. 32.) There can be no difficulty in connecting this monument with the Paradise or hunting park mentioned by Strabo near the source of the Orontes, similar, no doubt, in origin and character, to those with which the narrative of Xenophon abounds, within the territories of the Persian monarchs. The rise and course of this river and its various tributaries has been detailed by Col. Chesney (Expedition, vol. i. pp. 394--398), and the extreme beauty of its lower course between Antioch and the sea has been described in glowing terms by Captains Irby and Mangles.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited July 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


  A small river of the plain of Antioch. (Strab. xvi. p. 751.) It runs from the north, parallel to the Arceuthus and, mixing with its waters and those of the Oenoparas coming from the east, in a small lake, they flow off in one stream and join the Orontes a little above Antioch.

Oenobaras river

  Oenobaras (Oinobaras or Oinoparas), a river of the plain of Antioch, in Syria, at which, according to Strabo (xvi. p. 751), Ptolemy Philometer, having conquered Alexander Balas in battle, died of his wounds. It has been identified with the Uphrenus, modern Aphreen, which, rising in the roots of Amanus Mons (Almadaghy), runs southward through the plain of Cyrrhestica, until it falls into the small lake, which receives also the Labotas and the Arceuthus, from which their united waters run westward to join the Orontes coming from the south. The Oenoparas is the easternmost of the three streams. It is unquestionably the Afrin of Abulfeda. (Tabula Syr., Supplementa, p. 152, ed. Koehler; Chesney, Expedition, vol. i. pp. 407, 423.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Castnium mountain

ASPENDOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Castnium (Kastnion), a mountain at Aspendus of Pamphylia. (Steph. s. v.)

Eurymedon river

which flows past Aspendus (Pliny 5.26)


ATTALIA (Ancient city) TURKEY
Masura (Masoura), a place between Attalia and Perge in Pamphylia (Stadiasm. § § 200, 201), and 70 stadia from Mygdala, which is probably a corruption of Magydus.

Solyma mountain

FASILIS (Ancient city) TURKEY
  Solyma (ta Soluma), a high mountain near Phaselis in Lycia. (Strab. xiv. p. 666.) As the mountain is not mentioned by any other writer, it is probably only another name for the Chimaera Mons, the Olympus, or the mountains of the Solymi, mentioned by Homer. (Od. v. 283.) In the Stadiasmus it is simply called the oros mega: it extends about 70 miles northward from Phaselis, and its highest point, now called Taghtalu, rises immediately above the ruins of Phaselis, which exactly corresponds with the statement of Strabo. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 189.)


(Melania), a place on the coast of Cilicia, a little to the west of Celenderis, perhaps on the site of the modern Kizliman. (Strab. xiv. p. 670.) From another passage of Strabo (xvi. p. 760), compared with Stephanus B. (s. v. Melainai), it would seem that the place was also called Melaenae.

Cilician Sea

KILIKIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
   Cilicium Mare (he Kilikia Thalassa). The northeastern portion of the Mediterranean, between Cilicia and Cyprus, as far as the Gulf of Issus.

Kilikios Avlon

A part of Kilikian Sea (Ptol. E. 7.1)

Cilician Gates

   Ciliciae Pylae (hai Pulai tes Kilikias) or Portae. The chief pass between Cappadocia and Cilicia, through the Taurus, on the road from Tyana to Tarsus.

Cilician Gates : Perseus Project index

Appia town

Appia (Appia: Eth. Appianus), a town of Phrygia, which, according to Pliny (v. 29), belonged to the conventus of Synnada. Cicero (ad Fam. iii. 7) speaks of an application being made to him by the Appiani, when he was governor of Cilicia, about the taxes with which they were burdened, and about some matter of building in their town. At this time then it was included in the Province of Cilicia. The site does not seem to be known.


(Lakanitis), the name of a district in Cilicia Proper, above Tarsus, between the rivers Cydnus and Sarus, and containing the town of Irenopolis. (Ptol. v. 8. § 6.)

Calycadnus river

  Calycadnus (Kalukadnos), one of the largest rivers of Cilicia. (Strab. p. 670.) It rises in the range of Taurus, and after a general eastern course between the range of Taurus and the high land which borders this part of the coast of Cilicia, it passes Selefkieh, the remains of Seleuceia, and enters the Mediterranean north-east of the promontory of Sarpedon. The most fertile and the only extensive level in (Cilicia) Tracheiotis is the valley of the Calycadnus, a district which was sometimes called Citis (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 116.) The Calycadnus is about 180 feet wide, opposite to Seleuceia, where there is a bridge of six arches. The river is now called the Ghiuk-Su. It enters the sea through a low sandy beach. In the treaty between Antiochus and the Romans (Polyb. xxii. 26) the Syrian king was not to navigate west of the promontory Calycadnum, except in certain cases. Livy (xxxviii. 38) mentions the same terms, but he speaks both of Calycadnum and the Sarpedon (promontoria); and Appian (Syr. 39) also mentions the two promontories Calycadnum and Sarpedonium, and in the same order. Now if the Sarpedon of Strabo were the lofty promontory of Cape Cavaliere, as Beaufort supposed (Karamania, p. 235), the Calycadnum, which we may fairly infer to be near Sarpedon, and near the river, might be the long sandy point of Lissan el Kahpeh, which is between Cape Cavaliere, and the mouth of the river Calycadnus. Beaufort supposes this long sandy point to be the Zephyrium of Strabo. It is correctly described in the Stadiasmus as a sandy narrow spit, 80 stadia from the Calycadnus, which is about the true distance; but in the Stadiasmus it is called Sarpedonia. According to the Stadiasmus then the cape called Calycadnum must be, as Leake supposes, the projection of the sandy coast at the mouth of the Calycadnus. This identification of Sarpedon with Lissan el Kahpeh, and the position of Zephyrium at the mouth of the Calycadnus, agree very well with Strabo's words; and the Zephyrium of Strabo and Calycadnum of Livy and Polybius and Appian, may be the same. Ptolemy going from west to east mentions Sarpedon, the river Calycadnus and Zephyrium; but his Zephyrium may still be at the mouth of the Calycadnus.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


  Poecile (Poikile), a rock on the coast of Cilicia, near the mouth of the Calycadnus, and on the east of Cape Sarpedon, across which a flight of steps cut in the rock led from Cape Zephyrium to Seleuceia. (Strab. xiv, p. 670 ; Stadiasm. Mar. M. § 161.) Its distance of 40 stadia from the Calycadnus will place it about Pershendi. Instead of any steps in the rock, Beaufort here found extensive ruins of a walled town, with temples, arcades, aqueducts, and tombs, built round a small level, which had some appearance of having once been a harbour with a narrow opening to the sea. An inscription copied by Beaufort from a tablet over the eastern gate of the ruins accounts for the omission of any notice of this town by Strabo and others ; for the inscription states it to have been entirely built by Fluranius, archon of the eparchia of Isauria, in the reigns of Valentinian, Valens, and Gratian.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


    Lalasis (Lalasis, Ptol. v. 8. § 6, where some MSS. have Dalasis), a district in Cilicia, extending along Mount Taurus, above the district called Selentis. Pliny (v. 23) also mentions a town Lalasis in Isauria, and this town accordingly seems to have been the capital of the district Lalasis, which may have extended to the north of Mount Taurus. It is probable, moreover, that the Isaurian town of Lalisanda, mentioned by Stephanus B., and which, he says, was in his day called Dalisanda, is the same as Lalasis ; and if so, it is identical with the Dalisanda of Hierocles (p. 710). Basilius of Seleucia informs us that the town stood on a lofty height, but was well provided with water, and not destitute of other advantages. (Wesseling, ad Hierocl. l. c.). From all these circumstances, we might be inclined to consider the reading Dalasis in Ptolemy the correct one, were it not that the coins of the place all bear the inscription Lalasseon. (Sestini, p. 96.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Anchiale town

Anchiale, a daughter of Japetus and mother of Cydnus, who was believed to have founded the town of Anchiale in Cilicia. (Steph. Byz. s. v.) Another personage of this name occurs in Apollon. Rhod. i. 1130.


KIVYRA (Ancient city) TURKEY
A fortress on the river Indus in Caria, not far from Cibyra. (Liv. xxxviii. 14.)

Olympus mountain

  Olympus (Olumpos). A volcanic mountain in the east of Lycia, a little to the north-east of Corydalla. It also bore the name of Phoenicus, and near it was a large town, likewise bearing the name Olympus. (Strab. xiv. p. 666.) In another passage (xiv. p. 671) Strabo speaks of a mountain Olympus and a stronghold of the same name in Cilicia, from which the whole of Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia could be surveyed, and which was in his time taken possession of by the Isaurian robber Zenicetas. It is, however, generally supposed that this Cilician Olympus is no other than the Lycian, and that the geographer was led into his mistake by the fact that a town of the name of Corycus existed both in Lycia and Cilicia. On the Lycian Olympus stood a temple of Hephaestus. (Comp. Stadiasm. Mar. Mag. § 205; Ptol. v. 3. § 3.) Scylax (39) does not mention Olympus, but his Siderus is evidently no other place. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 189; Fellows, Lycia, pp. 212, foll.; Spratt and Forbes, Travels in Lycia, i. p. 192.) Mount Olympus now bears the name Janar Dagh, and the town that of Deliktash; in the latter place, which was first identified by Beaufort, some ancient remains still exist; but it does not appear ever to have been a large town, as Strabo calls it.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Trogitis lake

LYKAONIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Trogitis (Trogits), a small lake in Lycaonia, mentioned only by Strabo (xii. p. 568), and probably the same as the one now called Ilghun.


LYKIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Massicytes, Massycites, or Massicytus (Massikutos), a mountain range traversing western Lycia from north to south, issuing in the north, near Nysa, from Mount Taurus, and running almost parallel to the river Xanthus, though in the south it turns a little to the east. (Ptol. v. 3. § 1; Plin. v. 28; Quint. Smyrn. iii. 232.) .

Pyramus River

MALLOS (Ancient city) TURKEY

Andriaca port

MYRA (Ancient city) TURKEY
  Andriaca (Andriake: Andraki), the port of the town of Myra in Lycia. Appian (B.C. iv. 82) says that Lentulus broke through the chain which crossed the entrance of the port, and went up the river to Myra. Beaufort (Karamania, p. 26) gives the name Andraki to the river of Myra. On the north side of the entrance are the remains of large Roman horrea, with a perfect inscription, which states that the horrea were Hadrian's: the date is Hadrian's third consulate, which is A.D. 119.
   Andriaca is mentioned by Ptolemy; and Pliny has Andriaca civitas, Myra (v. 27). Andriaca, then, is clearly the place at the mouth of the small river on which Myra stood, 20 stadia higher up. (Strab. p. 666.) It must have been at Andriaca, as Cramer observes, that St. Paul and his companions were put on board the ship of Alexandria. (Acts, xxvii. 5, 6.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited October 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Eurymedon river

PAMFYLIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Perseus Project Index - Total results on 21/9/2001: 5

  Eurymedon (Eurumedon), a river flowing in a due southern direction through Pisidia and Pamphylia, in which latter country it was navigable; but its entrance is now closed by bars. It empties itself into the Mediterranean, a little below Aspendus. (Respecting the famous battle on the river Eurymedon, in B.C. 466, see Thuc. i. 100; Died. Sic. xi. 61; comp. Xenoph. Hell. iv. 8; Dionys. Perieg. 852; Strab. xiv. p, 667; Arrian, Anab. i. 27; Liv. xxxvii. 23; Plin. v. 26, and numerous other passages.) Its modern name is Capri-Su, and near its sources Sav-Su.


PISSIDIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Limenae (Limenai), also called Limnopolis (Limnon polis), a place in the north of Pisidia, which is mentioned only by ecclesiastical writers (Hierocl. p. 672; Concil. Chalced. p. 670; Concil. Const. iii. p. 676, where it is called Lumnaia). The ancient ruins of Galandos, on the east of the lake of Eyerdir, are believed to belong to Limenae. (Arundell, Discov. in Asia Minor, vol. i. p. 326; Franz, Funf Inschrift, p. 35.)


  Sozopolis (Sozopolis, a town noticed only by late writers as a place in Pisidia, on the north of Termessus, in a plain surrounded on all sides by mountains. (Hierocl. p. 672; Evagr. Hist. Eccles. iii. 33.) It is possibly the same place which Stephanus B. notices under the name of Sozusa. Nicetas (Ann. p. 9) mentions that it was taken by the Turks, but recovered from them by John Comnenus. (Comp. Ann. p. 169; Cinnamus, p. 13.) The traveller Paul Lucas (Sec. Voy. vol. i. c. 33) observed some ancient remains at a place now called Souzou, south of Aglasoun, which probably belong to Sozopolis.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Melas river

SIDI (Ancient port) TURKEY
Cold river of Pamphilia.


SOLI (Ancient city) TURKEY
A small river in the east of Cilicia, which emptied itself into the sea at Soli, and was believed to derive its name from the oily nature of its waters. (Plin. v. 22; Antig. Caryst. 150; Vitruv. viii. 3.)

Xyline Come

A village in Pisidia, between Corbasa and Termessus, is mentioned only by Livy (xxxviii. 15). A place called Xyline, in the country of the Cissians in Pontus, is noticed by Ptolemy (v. 6. § 6).



KILIKIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
  Sarpedon (Sarpedon or Sarpedonia akra), a promontory on the coast of Cilicia, 80 stadia to the west of the mouth of the Calycadnus, and 120 from Seleuceia. In the peace between the Roumans and Antiochus the Great this promontory and Cape Calycadnus were made the frontier between the kingdom of Syria and the free countries of Asia Minor. (Strab. xiv. p. 670; Ptol. v. 8. § 3; Appian, Syr. 39; Pomp. Mela, i. 13; Liv. xxxviii. 38; Plin. v. 22; Stadiasm. Mar. Magni, § 163.) It now bears the name of Lissan-el-Kahpe. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 203.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Mylas or Myle (Mulas), a promontory on the coast of Cilicia, between cape Aphrodisias in the west and cape Sarpedon in the east. On or close to it was a small town of the same name (Plin. v. 22; Stadiasm. Mar. Mag. §§ 165, 166.) As the Stadiasmus calls Mylas a cape and chersonese, Leake (Asia Minor, p. 205) is inclined to identify it with cape Cavaliere, which answers exactly to that description.


LYKIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
  Siderus (Siderous), according to Scylax (p. 39) a promontory and a port-town on the coast of Lycia. The same place seems to be meant in Stephanus B. (s. v. Sidarous), when he calls Sidarus a town and harbour. Col. Leake (Asia Minor, p. 189) has shown that the town of Siderus is in all probability no other than Olympus, on the south of Phaselis.


PAMFYLIA (Ancient country) TURKEY
Leucolla (Leukolla), a promontory on the south-east of Pamphylia, near the Cilician frontier. (Plin. v. 26; Liv. xxvii. 23; Pomp. Mela, i. 15.) In the Stadiasmus Maris Magni ( § § 190, 191) it is called Leucotheium (Leukotheion). Mela erroneously places it at the extremity of the gulf of Pamphylia, for it is situated in the middle of it; its modern name is Karaburnu. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 196.)

Historical place-names

Philadelpheia town

Philadelpheia, A town in the interior of Cilicia Aspera, on the river Calycadnus, above Aphrodisias. (Ptol. v. 8. § 5; Hierocl. p. 710, who mentions it among the episcopal sees of Isauria.) Beaufort ( Karamania, p. 223) supposes the site to be represented by the town of Mout or Mood, which Leake regards as the site once occupied by Claudiupolis.

Synonymous locations


LIMYRA (Ancient city) TURKEY
  Limyrus (ho Limuros), a river on the south coast of Lycia, which, after receiving the waters of its tributary Arycandus (Fineka), becomes navigable at the point where Limyra is situated. It falls into the sea, at a distance of 90 stadia west of the holy promontory, and 60 stadia from Melanippe. (Scyl. p. 39; Strab. xiv. p. 666; Ptol. v. 3. § 3.) Pliny (v. 28) and Mela (i. 15) call the river Limyra, and the Stadiasmus Maris Magni ( § 211) Almyrus, which is no doubt a mistake. Leake (Asia Minor, p. 187) states that both the Limyrus and the Arycandus reach the sea at no great distance from each other; while in the map of Lycia by Spratt, the Limyrus is the smaller river, and a tributary to the Arycandus. Both these statements are opposed to the testimony of Pliny, whose words are: Limyra cum amne in quem Arycandus influit.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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