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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "ALEXANDROUPOLI Town EVROS" .

Places of worship (3)


Holy Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Nicolas

The cathedral of St. Nicolas was first in stimulating the development of Alexandroupolis. Initially in 1850 a similar church was built in the same area with the contributions of the few navymen and fishermen of the coastal settlements.
In the construction of today's large church, the citizens of Ainos of Alexandroupolis for its aesthetic improvement transferred from the beautiful gate of the city of Ainos valuable icons, the gold-plated Sacred Icon which is used in the formal procession on Good Friday and other sacred items which today are located in the Ecclesiastical Museum. The Church was completed in 1900 and the formal inauguration occurred in 1901 by the Metropolitan Bishop Germanos of Ainos.
In 1908, with the contribution of Vlassios Souchour of Samos, consul of Austria-Hugary in Alexandroupolis, the construction and the raising of the two belfries took place. The church was renovated in 1947 under the auspice of Metropolitan Bishop Ioakim Kaviris.
The Church is dedicated to the city's patron saint, Saint Nicolas. It is tree-portioned with a dome, two belfries and other assorted architectural elements.

This extract is cited Sept 2003 from the Development Company of Alexandroupolis URL below, which contains image.


Agii Theodori

4km W of Avas, there are at the place of mountain Zoneos. Rocky temple in cave. Walls and wall up iconostasis which is decorated with Byzantine wall paintings of11-13th century.

St. George

Kerke had the luck to safe the last atelier of Byzantine hagiography in Greece. Samples of its artistic work are decorating the temple of the Agios Georgios central fane. The icons of the temple where painted in the years 1926- 1927 from a monk named Kerelos (1871-1945), who was born in Kerke and had learn the hagiographic art on the Agio Oros. When he returned to his country he started running the atelier and his most important student was the folk painter Pashalis Katsikas.

This extract is cited Sept 2003 from the Development Company of Alexandroupolis URL below.

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