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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Traditional products  for wider area of: "DODEKANISSOS Island complex GREECE" .

Traditional products (1)


Traditional foods, sweets, herbs and decoctions

  Foods: Stuffed goat baked in the oven, giaprakia (a type of dolma), tomato sauce goat stews, koulourida (a home made pasta), lasagne, (made from the koulourida pasta sheets cut into squares and rolled by hand), Greek salad with brine preserved caper leaves, oven baked pork with wheat, mezithra cheese, Tilian cheese (a type of hard feta cheese), cheese triangles, mezithra triangles, kabroumas pork (onion fried pork meat), hondros (cracked wheat fried in water or milk), pan fried vegetable pies etc.
  Sweets: Loukoumades, xerotigana, diples, melekouni, pouggakia (pastry filled with almonds and sesame seeds), seven kneaded koulouria and pies amongst others.
  Infusions- Herbs: Sage, sapsiho (marjoram), thyme (used in baked meats), oregano (used in oven baked meats and in sauces), rosemary, savory (used in baked fish dishes and in salads), mallow (boiled and used to cure constipation), “Pigeons beauty” (Italians say it is the dynamite that breaks the stones in the kidneys), aoustros-polykombos (helps prostate problems).
(Text: Manolis Makris)
This text (extract) is cited February 2004 from the Dodekanissos Union of Municipalities & Communities pamphlet.

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