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Listed 7 sub titles with search on: Olympic games  for wider area of: "SIRACUSA Town SICILY" .

Olympic games (7)

Ancient olympic champions, armour-race

Zopyrus, 476 B.C., 76th Olympiad


Ancient olympic champions, pancratium


Lygdamis. A Syracusan who conquered in the Pancratium in the Olympic games in the 33rd Olympiad. A monument was erected to him near the Lautumiae in Syracuse. He is said to have been equal in size to the Theban Heracles, and to have measured with his feet the Olympic stadium, which, like Heracles, he found to be only 600 feet in length, whereas, measured by the foot of a man of the ordinary size, it was 625 feet. (Paus. v. 8. 8)

Ancient olympic champions, stadium

Hyperbius, 420 B.C., 90th Olympiad


Zopyrus, 220 B.C., 140th Olympiad


Orthon, 148 B.C., 158th Olympiad


Ancient olympic champions, two victories


Stadium & double foot-race or double armour-race, in the 99th Olympiad, in 384 B.C.

Ancient olympic victors, riding-horse

Hieron (tyrrant of Syracuse)

His riding-horse won two times in the 76th Olympiads in 476 & 470 B.C. His four-horse chariot won one time in the 8th Olympiad in 468 B.C.

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