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Information about the place (3)


Piney area with summer houses.

Present location


Today we locate the town Oenoe of Perachora on a steep hill to the East of the village Schinos (Ekd. Athinon, Pausaniou Periegissis, vol. 2, p. 25, note 1).

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites

Oinoi, Oenoe

  Oinoi was a fort that overlooked the Halcyonic Bay not far from Megarian territory (Strab. 8.1.3, 6.22; 9.2.25). The fort was captured by Aigisilaus during his campaign in Piraion in 390 B.C. but was recovered not long afterwards by Iphikrates (Xen. Hell. 4.5.5, 19).
  The site has long been recognized as the imposing fortified compound on the hill of Viokastro near the modern village of Schinos. The high (400 m) hill is difficult of access from the coastal plain and the summit is crowned by a network of polygonal walls that served both as partial terracing and fortifications. Some of the walls, which are preserved in places to a height of over 4 m, are closely parallel and so create a series of narrow corridors. The highest part of the fort appears to have been a keep and below it to the E is a small plateau, reached by a stairway, where there is a large cistern. The fort guarded one of the chief routes from Boiotia to the Peloponnesos and would have been also an effective coastal watch station for fleet movements.

J. R. Wiseman, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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