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The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Penteskouphia. A hill surmounted by a Frankish fort ca. 1200 m SW of Akrocorinth. In a ravine on the N slope of the hill, ca. 3 km SW of ancient Corinth, over 1000 terracotta plaques were illicitly excavated in 1879. Excavation and chance finds at the site have increased the number of fragments to ca. 1500. The plaques, which are in Berlin, Paris, and the Corinth Museum, came from a nearby Corinthian Sanctuary of Poseidon of which no architectural remains have been found. Several plaques bear dedicatory inscriptions to Poseidon in the Corinthian epichoric alphabet and representations of the god and of Amphitrite with marine and equestrian attributes. Also depicted are scenes from everyday life, potters at work with wheels and kilns, woodcutters, ships, etc. Many plaques are pierced for suspension, perhaps from trees, and are painted on both sides. A few are as early as ca. 650 B.C. but the majority belong to the Late Corinthian black-figure style of ca. 570-500 B.C.

R. Stroud, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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