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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Information about the place for destination: "FTEROLAKKA Ski centre PARNASSOS".

Information about the place (1)


Parnassos Ski Centre Identity

As of June 2000, Parnassos Ski Centre is owned and managed by the Tourism Development Co., which is based in Athens (Voulis Str. no 7, Postal Code 105 62).

The ski centre is situated at an altitude of 1.600 to 2.300 metres; there is one cabin lift, 6 over-ground and 7 pull up lifts which cater for 20 ski runs that total 14km in length.

The Ski Centre includes a parking lot, a heliport, reception areas, a cafeteria, a bar, a restaurant, a first aid centre, road assistance and a Baby Sitting facility with an experienced child minder.

There are also ski and snowboarding schools, equipment rental stores and stores where one can also purchase ski and snowboarding equipment and clothing.

The text has been cited in February 2005 from the following webpage of Parnassos Ski Centre.

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