Listed 7 sub titles with search on: Mythology for wider area of: "CANAKKALE Town TURKEY" .
AVYDOS (Ancient city) MARMARA
(Leandros or Leiandros). A youth of Abydos, who was in love with Hero , the priestess
of Aphrodite in Sestus, and swam every night across the Hellespont to visit her,
and returned before daybreak. Once during a stormy night he perished in the waves.
Next morning his corpse was washed on the coast of Sestus, whereupon Hero threw
herself into the sea. This story was the subject of the poem of Musaeus, entitled
De Amore Herois et Leandri, and is also mentioned by Ovid and Vergil . In modern
times the story has been used by Marlowe, Schiller, Leigh Hunt, and Grillparzer.
This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
Leander (Leiandros), the famous youth of Abydos, who, from love of Hero, the priestess of Aphrodite, in Sestus, swam every night across the Hellespont, being guided by the light of the lighthouse of Sestus. Once during a very stormy night the light was extinguished, and he perished in the waves. On the next morning his corpse was washed on the coast of Sestus, and Hero, on seeing it, threw herself into the sea. This story is the subject of the epic poem of Musaeus, entitled De A more Herois et Leandri, and is also mentioned by Ovid (Her. xviii. 19), Statius (Theb. vi. 535), and Virgil (Georg. iii. 258, &c.)
This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2006 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
DARDANOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
Electra, a daughter of Atlas and Pleione, was one of the seven Pleiades, and became by
Zeus the mother of Jasion and Dardanus (Apollod. iii. 10.1, 12.1, 3). According
to a tradition preserved in Servius (ad Aen. i. 32, ii. 325, iii. 104, vii. 207)
she was the wife of the Italian king Corythus, by whom she had a son Jasion; whereas
by Zeus she was the mother of Dardanus (Comp. Serve. ad Aen. i. 384, iii. 167;
Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 29). Diodorus (v. 48) calls Harmonia her daughter by Zeus. She
is connected also with the legend about the Palladium. When Electra, it is said,
had come as a suppliant to the Palladium, which Athena had established, Zeus or
Athena herself threw it into the territory of Ilium, because it had been sullied
by the hands of a woman who was no longer a pure maiden, and king Ilus then built
a temple to Zeus (Apollod. iii. 12.3). According to others it was Electra herself
that brought the Palladium to Ilium, and gave it to her son Dardanus (Schol. ad
Eurip. Phoen. 1136). When she saw the city of her son perishing in flames, she
tore out her hair for grief and was thus placed among the stars as a comet (Serv.
ad Aen. x. 272). According to others, Electra and her six sisters were placed
among the stars as the seven Pleiades, and lost their brilliancy on seeing the
destruction of Ilium (Serv. ad Virg. Georg. i. 138; Eustath. ad Hom. 1155). The
fabulous island of Electris was believed to have received its name from her. (Apollon.
Rhod. i. 916)
This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Dec 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
Ilus (Ilos). A son of Dardanus by Bateia, the daughter of Teucer. Ilus died without issue, and left his kingdom to his brother, Erichthonius. (Apollod. iii. 12.1, &c.)
Aenete (Ainete), a daughter of Eusorus. and wife of Aeneas, by whom she had a son, Cyzicus, the founder of the town of this name. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 950; Orph. Argon. 502, where she is called Aenippe)
Beroe, a Trojan woman, married to Doryclus, one of the companions of Aeneas. Iris
assumed the appearance of Beroe when she per-suaded the women to set fire to the
ships of Aeneas on the coast of Sicily. (Virg. Aen. v. 620, &c.) There are three
other mythical personages of this name, concerning whom nothing of interest is
related. (Hygin. Fab. 167; Virg. Geory. iv. 341 ; Nonnus, Dionys. xli. 155.)
Creusa, a daughter of Priam and Hecabe, and the wife of Aeneias, who became by her the father of Ascanius and Iulus (Apollod. iii. 12.5). Conon (Narrat. 41) calls her the mother of Anius by Apollo. When Aeneias fled from Troy, she followed him; but she was unable to discover his traces, and disappeared. Aeneias then returned to seek her. She then appeared to him as a shade, consoled him, revealed to him his future fate, and informed him that she was kept back by the great mother of the gods, and was obliged to let him depart alone (Virg. Aen. ii. 725, 738, 752, 769, 775, &c.). In the Lesche of Delphi she was represented by Polygnotus among the captive Trojan women (Paus. x. 26.1).
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