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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Scenery routes  for wider area of: "MALEVIZIO Province HERAKLIO" .

Scenery routes (1)

Walking route

Nature walks in Kavrohori

This route follows the path next to the banks of Gazanos river and reaches Agios Georgios - Agios Ioannis chapel. The chapel was built during Turkish occupation with a wonderful wooden temple carved in hand. This naturalistic route could be taken either on foot or by mountain bikes or a jeep. The visitor has the opportunity to explore the nature, and be acquainted with the various kinds of flora and fauna of the area. A second route begins from the gardens of the settlement to Kefala and lasts about 30 minutes. In the end of the route you will see antiquities and old tombs.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from the Municipality of Gazi URL below, which contains images.

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