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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: The inhabitants  for wider area of: "TRIKALA Province THESSALIA" .

The inhabitants (2)

Gradual decrease of the population

Official pages

Demographic Characteristics

PYLI (Municipality) TRIKALA
  What is generally observed, is a small increase of population in Pyli and more perceptible in the community of Ropotou while in the communities of Kotroniou, Palaiokaria's and Petrohoriou, a stability that tends to reduction.
  As regards the population in the Prefecture of Trikala in the Municipality of Pyli, the phenomenon of minimal increase of the population is observed, that is owed mainly in the mountainous volume that covers in big surface the Municipality.
  Comparatively with the inventory of population per decade 1971, 1981, 1991, the reduction of the population in the communities of Agiou Prokopiou, Kotroniou, Palaiokarya's and Petrohoriou is obvious and dangerous. We have therefore, tendencies for desolation and abandonment of the communities that constitute the natural environment and allocate a lot of monuments of culture and tradition. According to the tables and the diagrams that follow the distribution of the population per age, the phenomenon of big percentage in individuals of age between 45-64 years, is observed, while the individuals in the age of 30 - 44 years, that should constitute the active population, cover small percentage in the total.
  Still, we have a reduction of the individuals in the age of 0 -14 years which means that the births are decreased, so we have tendencies for aged population.

This text is cited Oct 2003 from the Municipality of Pyli URL below.

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