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Εμφανίζονται 10 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Βιογραφίες  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΪΔΙΝΙΟΝ Πόλη ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ" .

Βιογραφίες (10)



Anthemius (Anthemios), an eminent mathematician and architect, born at Tralles, in Lydia, in the sixth century after Christ. His father's name was Stephanus, who was a physician (Alex. Trall. iv. 1); one of his brothers was the celebrated Alexander Trallianus; and Agathias mentions (Hist.), that his three other brothers, Dioscorus, Metrodorus, and Olympius, were each eminent in their several professions. He was one of. the architects employed by the emperor Justinian in the building of the church of St. Sophia, A. D. 532, and to him Eutocius dedicated his Commentary on the Conica of Apollonius. A fragment of one of his mathematical works was published at Paris, by M. Dupuy, 1777, with the title "Fragment d'un Ouvrage Grec d'Anthemius sur des 'Paradoxes de Mecanique'; revu et corrige sur quatre Manuscrits, avec une Traduction Francoise et des Notes". It is also to be found in the forty-second volume of the Hist. de l'Acad. des Inscr. 1786, pp. 72, 392-451.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Apollonius &Tauriscus

Apollonius and Tauriscus of Tralles, were two brothers, and the sculptors of the group which is commonly known as the Farnese bull, representing the punishment of Dirce by Zethus and Amphion. It was taken from Rhodes to Rome by Asinius Pollio, and afterwards placed in the baths of Caracalla, where it was dug up in the sixteenth century, and deposited in the Farnese palace. It is now at Naples. After its discovery, it was restored, in a manner not at all in keeping with its style, by Battista Bianchi of Milan. There is some reason to believe that additions were made to it in the time of Caracalla. It was originally formed out of one block of marble. A full description of the group, is given by Winckelmann, who distinguishes the old parts from the new. From the style of the ancient portions of the group, Winckelmann and MΓΌller refer its execution to the same period to which they imagine the Laocoon to belong, that is, the period after Alexander the Great. Both groups belong to the same school of art, the Rhodian, and both probably to the same period. If, therefore, we admit the force of the arguments of Lessing and Thiersch respecting the date of the Laocoon, we may infer, that the Farnese bull was newly executed when Asinius Pollio took it to Rome, and consequently, that Apollonius and Tauriscus flourished at the beginning of the first century of the Christian aera. It is worth while to notice, that we have no history of this work before its removal from Rhodes to Rome. Pliny says of Apollonius and Tauriscus, "Parentum ii certamen de se fecere: Menecratem videri professi, sed esse naturalem Artemidorum". which is understood to mean, that they placed an inscription on their work, expressing a doubt whether their father, Artemidorus, or their teacher, Menecrates. ought to be considered their true parent. The Farncse bull bears no such inscription, but there are the marks of an effaced inscription on a trunk of a tree which forms a support for the figure of Zethus. (Plin. xxxvi. 4.10)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Alexander Trallianus (c. 525 - 605 AD)

525 - 605
Alexander, Trallianus (Alexandros ho Trallianos), one of the most eminent of the ancient physicians, was born at Tralles, a city of Lydia, from whence he derives his name. His date may safely be put in the sixth century after Christ, for he mentions Aetius (xii. 8), who probably did not write till the end of the fifth or the beginning of the sixth century, and he is himself quoted by Paulus Aegineta (iii. 28, 78, vii. 5, 11, 19), who is supposed to have lived in the seventh; besides which, he is mentioned as a contemporaryby Agathias (Hist. v.), who set about writing his History in the beginning of the reign of Justin the younger, about A. D. 565. He had the advantage of being brought up under his father, Stephanus, who was himself a physician (iv. 1), and also under another person, whose name he does not mention, but to whose son Cosmas he dedicates his chief work (xii. i.), which he wrote out of gratitude at his request. He was a man of an extensive practice, of a very long experience, and of great reputation, not only at Rome, but wherever he travelled in Spain, Gaul, and Italy (i. 15), whence he was called by way of eminence "Alexander the Physician". Agathias speaks also with great praise of his four brothers, Anthemius, Dioscorus, Metrodorus, and Olympius, who were all eminent in their several professions. Alexander is not a mere compiler, like Aetius, Oribasius, and others, but is an author of quite a different stamp, and has more the air of an original writer. He wrote his great work in an extreme old age, from the results of his own experience, when he could no longer bear the fatigue of practice. His style in the main, says Freind, is very good, short, clear, and (to use his own term, xii. 1) consisting of common expressions; and though (through a mixture of some foreign words occasioned perhaps by his travels) not always perfectly elegant, yet very expressive and intelligible. Fabricius considers Alexander to have belonged to the sect of the Methodici, but in the opinion of Freind this is not proved sufficiently by the passages adduced. The weakest and most curious part of his practice appears to be his belief in charms and amulets, some of which may be quoted as specimens. For a quotidian ague, "Gather an olive leaf before sun-rise, write on it with common ink ka, roi, a, and hang it round the neck" (xii. 7); for the gout, "Write on a thin plate of gold, during the waning of the moon, mei, Dreu, mor, phor, teux, za, zon, De, lou, chri, ge, ze, on, and wear it round the ankles; pronouncing also iaz, azuph, zuon, Dreux, bain, chook" (xi. 1), or else this verse of Homer (Il. b. 95), Tetrechei d' agore, hupo d' estonachizeto gaia, while the moon is in Libra; but it is much better if she should be in Leo". In exorcising the gout, he says, "I adjure thee by the great name Iao Sabaoth", that is, and a little further on, "I adjure thee by the holy names Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, Elo+hi", that is; from which he would appear to have been either a Jew or a Christian, and, from his frequently prescribing swine's flesh, it is most probable that he was a Christian. His chief work, entitled Biblia Iatrika Duokaideka, Libri Duodecim de Re Medica, first appeared in an old, barbarous, and imperfect Latin translation, with the title Alexandri Yatros Practica, &c., Lugd. 1504, 4to., which was several times reprinted, and corrected and amended by Albanus Torinus, Basil. 1533, fol. It was first edited in Greek by Jac. Goupylus, Par. 1548, fol., a beautiful and scarce edition, containing also Rhazae de Pestilentia Libellus ex Syrorum Lingua in Graecam translatus...

This extract is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Φλέγων, 2ος μΧ αι.

   A Greek writer, of Tralles in Caria, freedman of the emperor Hadrian. He wrote in the first half of the second century A.D. a work entitled Peri Thaumasion ("On Wonderful Events"). It is a tasteless composition, but instructive as to the superstitions of antiquity. Also a dry catalogue of persons who attained a great age (Peri Makrobion). Of his great chronological work, a catalogue of victors at the Olympian games in 229 Olympiads (B.C. 776 to A.D. 137) in 17 books, only fragments remain.


Θράκες και Αργείοι

Αποικία των κατοίκων της Θράκης και του Αργους, οι οποίοι επέλεξαν την εύφορη περιοχή κοντά στις όχθες του ποταμού Μαίανδρου για να ιδρύσουν τη νέα πόλη.



Damasus, (Damasos), of Tralles in Cilicia, is mentioned by Strabo (xiv.) among the celebrated orators of Tralles. He is surnamed Scombrus (Ekombros), and is in all probability the same as the Damos Scombros mentioned by Seneca (Controv. ii. 14), and may possibly be the same as the rhetorician who is also spoken of by Seneca (Suas. 1; comp. Schott, ad Controv. ii. 14) under the name of Damaseticus. But nothing further is known about him.


Dionysocles, (Dionusokles), of Tralles, is mentioned by Strabo (xiv.) among the distinguished rhetoricians of that city. He was probably a pupil of Apollodorus of Pergamus, and consequently lived shortly before or at the time of Strabo.


Crates (Krates) of Tralles, an orator or rhetorician of the school of Isocrates (Diog. Laert. iv. 23). Ruhnken assigns to him the logoi demegorikoik which Apollodorus (ap. Diog. l. c.) ascribes to the Academic philosopher, Crates. Menagius (Comm. in Diog. l. c.) is wrong in supposing that Crates is mentioned by Lucian (Rhet. Praecept. 9). The person there spoken of is Critias the sculptor.


Ασκληπιός,5ος-6ος αιώνας μ.Χ.

Asclepius of Tralles, a Peripatetic philosopher and a disciple of Ammonius, the son of Hermias. He lived about A. D. 500, and wrote commentaries on the first six or seven books of Aristotle's Metaphysics and on the arithmetike of Nicomachus of Gerasa. These commentaries are still extant in MS.


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