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Listed 14 sub titles with search on: Olympic games  for wider area of: "CROTONE Province CALABRIA" .

Olympic games (14)

Ancient olympic champions, boxing

Daeppus, 772 B.C., 2nd Olympiad

KROTON (Ancient city) CALABRIA

Ancient olympic champions, event unknown

Philip, 520 B.C., 65th Olympiad


Ancient olympic champions, multiple victories


488 - 480
Of Crotona: Olympic victor (Paus. 6,13,1).


540 - 516
Wrestler, six-time Olympic victor: Won once in boys' wrestling, 60th Olympiad, 540 BCE, five-time wrestling champion from 62nd to 66th Olympiad, 532 to 516 BCE.

   Milon. Of Crotona, a celebrated athlete, six times victor in wrestling at the Olympic Games, and as often at the Pythian. He was one of the followers of Pythagoras, and also commanded the army which defeated the Sybarites, B.C. 511. Many stories are related of his extraordinary feats of strength: such as his carrying a heifer four years old on his shoulders through the stadium at Olympia, and afterwards eating the whole of it in a single day. Passing through a forest in his old age, he saw the trunk of a tree which had been partially split open by wood-cutters, and attempted to rend it further, but the wood closed upon his hands, and thus held him fast, in which state he was attacked and devoured by wolves.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Milo story by Strabo

It is said that once, at the common mess of the philosophers, when a pillar began to give way, Milo slipped in under the burden and saved them all, and then drew himself from under it and escaped. And it is probably because he relied upon this same strength that he brought on himself the end of his life as reported by some writers; at any rate, the story is told that once, when he was travelling through a deep forest, he strayed rather far from the road, and then, on finding a large log cleft with wedges, thrust his hands and feet at the same time into the cleft and strained to split the log completely asunder; but he was only strong enough to make the wedges fall out, whereupon the two parts of the log instantly snapped together; and caught in such a trap as that, he became food for wild beasts.

Ancient olympic champions, stadium

Glaukias, 588 B.C., 48th Olympiad


Lycinus, 584 B.C., 49th Olympiad


Eratosthenes, 576 B.C., 51st Olympiad



He won at the 53rd and 54th Olympiads in 564 and 560 B.C.

Diognetus, 548 B.C., 58th Olympiad


Isomachus, 508 & 504 B.C.

-508 - 504
He won at the 68th and 69th Olympiads in 508 and 504 B.C.


496 - 492
He won two times in this contest: 71st (496 BC) & 72nd Olympiad (492 BC).

Ancient olympic champions, wrestling

Timasitheos, wrestling, 512 B.C., 67th Olympiad


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