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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "KENI POLIS Ancient city ITYLO" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (3)

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Poseidon

KENI POLIS (Ancient city) ITYLO
Certain Lacedaemonians who had been condemned to death on some charge fled as suppliants to Taenarum but the board of ephors dragged them from the altar there and put them to death.

Ancient temples

Temple of Aphrodite

From the point of Taenarum Caenepolis is distant forty stades by sea. Its name also was formerly Taenarum. In it is a hall of Demeter, and a temple of Aphrodite on the shore, with a standing statue of stone.


Hall of Demeter

From the point of Taenarum Caenepolis is distant forty stades by sea. Its name also was formerly Taenarum. In it is a hall of Demeter, and a temple of Aphrodite on the shore, with a standing statue of stone.

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