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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Local governments for destination: "VLYCHO Village LEFKADA".

Local governments (1)

Municipalities' district offices

Vlycho Community

Tel: +30 26450 95282
  On the eastern side of the island, about 20 km from the town of Lefkada, lies the delightful bay of Vlycho.
  On one side of the bay is the wonderful traditional village of the same name, crammed between the mountain and the sea. Opposite Vlycho is the settlement of Geni, an area known for its beauty, rich vegetation and marvelous view. The beach of the village is suitable for mooring and serving yachts.
  There are also playgrounds, a football pitch and basketball court in Vlycho, as well as an organized circuit for radio controlled cars. You can enjoy a swim at the dentilated beaches of Dessimi, or seek out the idyllic tavernas next to the sea in Geni, where you will find fresh fish and can try all the local specialities. The morning walk from the village of Geni to the chapel of Agia Kyriaki offers a challenge to any visitor. The whole route is dense with vegetation and the view to the bay of Vlycho and the Stavrota mountain chain is very impressive. At the end of the road, a paved pathway leads to the chapel. In the same area it is also possible to visit the grave of the archaeologist, Derpfeld.
This text (extract) is cited December 2003 from the Lefkada Hoteliers Association tourist pamphlet (1998).

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