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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Homeric world  for wider area of: "FLIOUS Ancient city NEMEA" .

Homeric world (3)

Eponymous founders or settlers


FLIOUS (Ancient city) NEMEA
A contemporary of Prometheus, an aboriginal, first to dwell in Phliasia, builds Arantia, his tomb, graves of children of A, libations offered to A. and his children.


Araethyrea (Araithurea), a daughter of Aras, an autochthon who was believed to have built Arantea, the most ancient town in Phliasia. She had a brother called Aoris, and is said to have been fond of the chase and warlike pursuits. When she died, her brother called the country of Phliasia after her Araethyrea (Hom. Il. ii. 571; Strab. viii.). She was the mother of Phlias. The monuments of Araethyrea and her brother, consisting of round pillars, were still extant in the time of Pausanias; and before the mysteries of Demeter were commenced at Phlius, the people always invoked Aras and his two children with their faces 8 turned towards their monuments. (Paus. ii. 12.4-6)

Greeks of the Homeric Catalogue of Ships

Trojan War

Araethyrea paricipated in the Trojan War and is listed in the Homeric Catalogue of Ships. Homer calls it "lovely" (Il. 2.571).

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