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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: History for destination: "AMBELAKIA Village LARISSA".

History (3)


  Its history begins at least 8.000 years ago. A fact that many Neolithic findings and remnant cottages proving after discover, together with many other similar finds. It was also Pelasgiotida’s capital city and met a great economical blossom till 344 B.C., the year that Larissa has fallen under the Macedonian leaders occupation. In the year 197 B.C., has been conquered by the Romans and faced also with them a great new acme in culture and economic prosperity at August’s season. In the Christianized years, Larissa referred to be as one important administrative military center and the metropolis location with its Cathedral church under the same name (St Achilles of Larissa Archbishop), also with its bishop’s palace. Till the year 1423 the town usually receives the Goths, Bissigoths, Bulgarians and Catalonians raids. By the year 1423 Larissa being under the Ottoman domination, changes its name to "Yeni Sehir" (New Town). The town has finally liberated on 30, of August 1881 and joined the rest free Greek areas.
This text (extract) is cited August 2003 from the Prefecture of Larissa tourist pamphlet.




  City of Thessalia. Larissa was the leading city of Thessalia in the Vth and IVth centuries B. C. Thucydides, in his Histories, II, 22, 3, mentions it first among the Thessalian cities that sent troops to help Athens against Sparta in 431, at the beginning of the Peloponnesian war, and gives the name of two generals from Larissa, one from each of the two leading factions.
  Larisa was the home of several leading Thessalian families, first among them, the Aleuadae, offspring of Aleuas, whose leaders at the time of the Persian wars were three brothers, Thorax, Eurypylus and Thrasydaeus, who sided with Xerxes. Another leader of the Aleuadae toward the end of the Vth century B. C. was Aristippus, shown by Xenophon (Anabasis, I, 1, 10) as host of Cyrus the Younger, who helped him against rival Thessalian factions. Larissa was indeed the birthplace of Meno, who thus became, along with Xenophon and a few others, one of the generals leading several thousands Greeks from various places, in the ill-fated expedition of 404 meant to help Cyrus the Younger, son of Darius II, king of Persia, overthrow his elder brother Artaxerxes II and take over the throne of Persia.

Bernard Suzanne (page last updated 1998), ed.
This extract is cited July 2003 from the Plato and his dialogues URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks.

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