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Location information

Listed 7 sub titles with search on: The inhabitants  for wider area of: "KIATO Small town CORINTHIA" .

The inhabitants (7)

Ancient tribes



Names of the inhabitants

Aegialeians, Aegialeans, Aigialeans

A "Pelasgian" people, of Sicyon.


Become Dorians, foiled by stratagem of Hyperesians, defeated by people of Orneae, aid Messenians in their wars against Spartans, defeated by Athenians under Tolmides, revolt from Macedonia, join Achaean League, hold Isthmian games after destruction of Corinth, intervene in dispute between Athenians and Oropians, give Furies title of Eumenides, treasury of Sicyonians at Delphi, treasury of Sicyonians at Olympia, grave of Sicyonians slain in battle, Sicyonian tombs described.

Perseus Project index

Sicyonians, Sicyonian, Sikyonians, Sikyonian

Worships of the inhabitants

Worship of the hero Melanippos

You are able to search for more information in greater and/or surrounding areas by choosing one of the titles below and clicking on "more".

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