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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Festivals and fairs  for wider area of: "EGIRA Small town ACHAIA" .

Festivals and fairs (2)


Carnival of Aigeira

EGIRA (Small town) ACHAIA
At the carnival of Aigeira, the fun and entertainment play the main role.

Seasonal products fairs

Wine Festival

We distinguish the Wine Festival in Ambelokipi and the Cultural Summer of the Municipality of Aigeira with the participation of the Cultural Clubs of Aigeira, the Theatrical Workshop, the Philharmonic of Aigeira as well as the Athletic Association of the Municipality of Aigeira "THIELA" with cultural exhibitions which last 2 months (1 July - 31 August ). The wine festival has been instituted into the area. More than 2000 visitors during the first Friday and Saturday after the 15th of August taste the boiled and roasted local meat. The wine of Arfara, which is famous in the area, flows in abundance and free for all.

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