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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 19 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Βιογραφίες  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΛΙΝΔΟΣ Αρχαία πόλη ΛΙΝΔΟΣ" .

Βιογραφίες (19)


Χάρης ο Λίνδιος, 3ος αι., π.Χ.

ΛΙΝΔΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΛΙΝΔΟΣ
Chares, of Lindus in Rhodes, a statuary in bronze, was the favourite pupil of Lysippus, who took the greatest pains with his education, and did not grudge to initiate him into all the secrets of his art. Chares flourished at the beginning of the third century B. C. (Anon. ad Herenn. iv. 6; printed among Cicero's rhetorical works). He was one of the greatest artists of Rhodes, and indeed he may be considered as the chief founder of the Rhodian school of sculpture. Pliny (H. N. xxxiv. 7. s. 18) mentions among his works a colossal head, which P. Lentulus (the friend of Cicero, cos. B. C. 57) brought to Rome and placed in the Capitol, and which completely threw into the shade another admirable colossal head by Decius which stood beside it (The apparently unnecessary emendation of Sillig and Thiersch, improbabilis for probabilis, even if adopted, would not alter the general meaning of the sentence, at least with reference to Chares).
  But the chief work of Chares was the statue of the Sun, which, under the name of "The Colossus of Rhodes", was celebrated as one of the seven wonders of the world. Of a hundred colossal statues of the Sun which adorned Rhodes, and any one of which, according to Pliny, would have made famous the place that might possess it, this was much the largest. The accounts of its height differ slightly, but all agree in making it upwards of 105 English feet. Pliny, evidently repeating the account of some one who had seen the statue after its fall, if he had not seen it himself, says that few could embrace its thumb; the fingers were larger than most statues; the hollows within the broken limbs resembled caves; and inside of it might be seen huge stones, which had been inserted to make it stand firm. It was twelve years in erecting (B. C. . 292-280), and it cost 300 talents. This money was obtained by the sale of the engines of war which Demetrius Poliorcetes presented to the Rhodians after they had compelled him to give up his siege of their city (B. C. 303). The colossus stood at the entrance of the harbour of Rhodes. There is no authority for the statement that its legs extended over the mouth of the harbour. It was overthrown and broken to pieces by an earthquake 56 years after its erection (B. C. 224, Euseb. Chron., and Chron. Pasch. sub Ol. 139. 1; Polyb. v. 88, who places the earthquake a little later, in B. C. 218). Strabo (xiv.) says, that an oracle forbade the Rhodians to restore it (See also Philo Byzant. de VII Orbis Miraculis, c. iv.). The fragments of the colossus remained on the ground 923 years, till they were sold by Moawiyeh, the general of the caliph Othman IV., to a Jew of Emesa, who carried them away on 900 camels (A. D. 672). Hence Scaliger calculated considering the mechanical difficulties both of modelling and of casting so large a statue, the nicety required to fit together the separate pieces in which it must necessarily have been cast, and the skill needed to adjust its proportions, according to the laws of optics, and to adapt the whole style of the composition to its enormous size, we must assign to Chares a high place as an inventor in his art.
  There are extant Rhodian coins, bearing the head of the Sun surrounded with rays, probably copied from the statue of Chares or from some of the other colossal statues of the sun at Rhodes. There are two epigrams on the colossus in the Greek Anthology.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Another passage concerning Chares, written in Rome around 70 B.C. but probably derived from a second-century Hellenistic rhetorician, has been taken by Preisshofen 1970-1 as a manifesto for eclectic neo-classicism:
Do not these schoolmasters, teachers of rhetoric to all the world, see that they are making asses of themselves when they seek to borrow the very thing they offer to bestow on others? . . . Chares did not learn from Lysippus how to make statues by Lysippus showing him a head by Myron, arms by Praxiteles, a torso by Polycleitus, but observed the master making all right in front of him; he could study the works of others, if he wished, on his own initiative. But these writers believe that those who want to learn [rhetoric] can best be taught by the methods of others.
(Auctor ad Herrenium 4.6.9)

This extract is from: Andrew Stewart, One Hundred Greek Sculptors: Their Careers and Extant Works. Cited Feb 2003 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains extracts from the ancient literature, bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

Architect, Sculptor, student of the famous sculptor Lysippos. Mentioned by Polybios, Plinius, Philon the Byzantian, Stobaios and Strabon.
Work: The Colossus of Rhodes
This bronze statue is a remarkable work combining engineering, architecture and sculpture and is one of the Seven Wonders of the world. It was dedicated to God Apollon and weighed 225 ton. The height was equal to 33 m. The construction time lasted 12 years, from 292 to 280 BCE. A group of almost normal beams, starting at the feet and ending at the head, were connected to the outside covering (3,5 cm thick) which supported the whole statue. Chares used great volume of earth which surrounded the statue. He began the construction from the lowest point going upwards. After finishing the statue he removed the beams and the earth masses. The total cost of the work amounted to 300 talents. Parts of the descriptions of Philon Byzantios, Plinius and Strabon still exist today. Polybios mentions that Plolaemeos promised the Rhodians to spend 3.000 talents for the re-erection, but it never took place. Strabon justifies the "non reerection" by the existence of an adverse oracle. The statue was broken at the knees and destroyed by an earthquake in the year 220 BCE. The year 654 ACE it was sold to a Jewish merchant who used 900 camels to remove it, according to the Byzantine Chonicler Kedrenos (" A composition of Stories" - 11th cent. ACE ).

Επτά Σοφοί


Cleobulus (Kleoboulos), one of the Seven Sages, was son of Evagoras and a citizen of Lindus in Rhodes, for Duris seems to stand alone in stating that he was a Carian (Diog. Laert. i. 89; Strab. xiv.). He was a contemporary of Solon's, and must have lived at least as late as B. C. 560 (the date of the usurpation of Peisistratus), if the letter preserved in Diogenes Laertius is genuine, which purports to have been written by Cleobulus to Solon, inviting him to Lindus, as a place of refuge from the tyrant. In the same letter Lindus is mentioned as being under democratic government; but Clement of Alexandria (Strom. iv. 19) calls Cleobulus king of the Lindians, and Plutarch (de Ei ap. Delph. 3) speaks of him as a tyrant. These statements may, however, be reconciled, by supposing him to have held, as aisumnetes, an authority delegated by the people through election (Arist. Polit. iii. 14, 15). Much of the philosophy of Cleobulus is said to have been derived from Egypt. He wrote also lyric poems, as well as riddles (griphous) in verse. Diogenes Laertius also ascribes to him the inscription on the tomb of Midas, of which Homer was considered by others to have been the author (comp. Plat. Phaedr.), and the riddle on the year (els ho patep, paides de duodeka, k. t. l.), generally attributed to his daughter Cleobuline. He is said to have lived to the age of sixty, and to have been greatly distinguished for strength and beauty of person. Many of his sayings are on record, and one of them at least -dein sunoikizein tas Dugateras, parthenous men ten helikian, toi de phronein gunaikas- shews him to have had worthier views of female education than were generally prevalent; while that he acted on them is clear from the character of his daughter (Diog. Laert. i. 89-93; Suid. s. v. Kleoboulos; Clem. Alex. Strom. i. 14; comp. Dict. of Ant. s. v. Chelidonia.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Cleobulus (Kleoboulos). One of the Seven Sages, of Lindus in Rhodes, son of Evagoras, lived about B.C. 580. He and his daughter, Cleobuline or Cleobule, were celebrated for their skill in riddles. To the latter is ascribed a well-known one on the subject of the year: "A father has twelve children, and each of these thirty daughters, on one side white, and on the other side black, and, though immortal, they all died".

This is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Κωμικοί ποιητές


The most distinguished comic poet of Greece, from Lindus, on the island of Rhodes, a contemporary of Socrates

The greatest writer of Greek comedy. He lived at Athens, B.C. 444-388. His father, Philippus, is said to have been not a native Athenian, but a settler from Rhodes or Egypt, who afterwards acquired citizenship. . .

Πληροφορίες Σύνταξης
Βιογραφία, αναφορές και λοιπές εργασίες για τον Αριστοφάνη παρατίθενται στον αρχαίο αττικό δήμο Κυδαθηναίοι , τόπο καταγωγής του.

Πληροφορίες Σύνταξης
Τα ηλεκτρονικά κείμενα των έργων του Αριστοφάνη παρατίθενται στην Ελλάδα (αρχαία χώρα) στην κατηγορία Αρχαία Ελληνική Γραμματεία.


Antheas Lindius

Antheas Lindius, a Greek poet, of Lindus in Rhodes, flourished about B. C. 596. He was one of the earliest eminent composers of phallic songs, which he himself sung at the head of his phallophori (Athen. x.). Hence he is ranked by Athenaeus as a comic poet, but this is not precisely correct, since he lived before the period when comedy assumed its proper form. It is well observed by Bode, that Antheas, with his comus of phallophori, stands in the same relation to comedy as Arion, with his dithyrambic chorus, to tragedy.


Cleobuline, (Kleobouline), called also Cleobuline and Cleobyle (Kleoboulene, Kleoboule), was daughter to Cleobulus of Lindus, and is said by Plutarch to have been a Corinthian by birth. From the same author we learn that her father called her Eumetis, while others gave her the name which marks her relation to Cleobulus. She is spoken of as highly distinguished for her moral as well as her intellectual qualities. Her skill in riddles, of which she composed a number in hexameter verse, is particularly recorded, and we find ascribed to her a well-known one on the subject of the year, as well as that on the cupping-glass, which is quoted with praise by Aristotle. A play of Cratinus, called Kleoboulinai, and apparently having reference to her, is mentioned by Athenaeus (Plut. de Pyth. Orac. 14, Conv. vii. Sap. 3; Diog. Laert. i. 89; Menag. ad loc.; Clem. Alex. Strom. iv. 19; Suid. s. v. Kleobouline; Arist. Rhet. iii. 2.12; Athen. iv., x.). Cleobuline was also the name of the mother of Thales. (Diog. Laert. i. 22)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks



Πατέρας του Παναίτιου

Παναίτιος ο Ρόδιος

185 - 109
Perseus Project

   Panaetius, (Panaitios). A Greek philosopher of Rhodes, born about B.C. 180; the most important representative of Stoicism in his time. From Athens, where he had received his education, he went to Rome, about B.C. 156. Being there received into the circle of the younger Scipio and of Laelius, he was able to gain numerous adherents among the Roman nobles by his skill in softening the harshness and subtlety of the Stoic teaching, and in representing it in a refined and polished form. After Scipio's death (129) he returned to Athens, where he died, as the head of the Stoic school, about 111. Only unimportant fragments of his writings remain. The most important of them, the Treatise on Duty (Peri tou Kathekontos), in three books, supplied the groundwork of the De Officiis of Cicero.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Many men worthy of mention were native Rhodians, both commanders and athletes, among whom were the ancestors of Panaetius the philosopher; and, among statesmen and rhetoricians and philosophers, Panaetius himself and Stratocles and Andronicus, one of the Peripatetics, and Leonides the Stoic; and also, before their time, Praxiphanes and Hieronymus and Eudemus.

This extract is from: The Geography of Strabo (ed. H. L. Jones, 1924), Cambridge. Harvard University Press. Cited Feb 2003 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains comments & interesting hyperlinks.


A philosopher of Rhodes, pupil of Panoetius

Cleobulina of Rhodes

Cleobulina was the daughter of Cleobulus, one of the seven wise men. Much of what we know of Cleobulina comes from Aristotle's Poetics and he quoted her in Rhetorics. Fame came to her from her riddles, which she wrote in hexameter verse. From Plutach we know that Thales praised her as being a woman with "a statesman's mind", thus he nicknamed her Eumetis meaning Wise Counsel. Her fathered was believed to have ruled Rhodes more fairly due to her influence

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