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Εμφανίζονται 13 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Μυθολογία  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΝΕΜΕΑ Χωριό ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΑ" .

Μυθολογία (13)

Αρχαίοι μύθοι

The First Labor of Heracles - The Nemean Lion

ΝΕΜΕΑ (Αρχαίο ιερό) ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΑ
  Initially, Hercules was required to complete ten labors, not twelve. King Eurystheus decided Hercules' first task would be to bring him the skin of an invulnerable lion which terrorized the hills around Nemea
  Setting out on such a seemingly impossible labor, Hercules came to a town called Cleonae, where he stayed at the house of a poor workman-for-hire, Molorchus. When his host offered to sacrifice an animal to pray for a safe lion hunt, Hercules asked him to wait 30 days. If the hero returned with the lion's skin, they would sacrifice to Zeus, king of the gods. If Hercules died trying to kill the lion, Molorchus agreed to sacrifice instead to Hercules, as a hero.
  When Hercules got to Nemea and began tracking the terrible lion, he soon discovered his arrows were useless against the beast. Hercules picked up his club and went after the lion. Following it to a cave which had two entrances, Hercules blocked one of the doorways, then approached the fierce lion through the other. Grasping the lion in his mighty arms, and ignoring its powerful claws, he held it tightly until he'd choked it to death.
  Hercules returned to Cleonae, carrying the dead lion, and found Molorchus on the 30th day after he'd left for the hunt. Instead of sacrificing to Hercules as a dead man, Molorchus and Hercules were able to sacrifice together, to Zeus.
  When Hercules made it back to Mycenae, Eurystheus was amazed that the hero had managed such an impossible task. The king became afraid of Hercules, and forbade him from entering through the gates of the city. Furthermore, Eurystheus had a large bronze jar made and buried partway in the earth, where he could hide from Hercules if need be. After that, Eurystheus sent his commands to Hercules through a herald, refusing to see the powerful hero face to face.
  Many times we can identify Hercules in ancient Greek vase paintings or sculptures simply because he is depicted wearing a lion skin. Ancient writers disagreed as to whether the skin Hercules wore was that of the Nemean lion, or one from a different lion, which Hercules was said to have killed when he was 18 years old.

This text is cited July 2004 from Perseus Project URL bellow, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Heracles. 1. The fight with the Nemean lion. The mountain valley of Nemea, between Cleonae and Phlius, was inhabited by a lion, the offspring of Typhon (or Orthrus) and Echidna. (Hes. Theog. 327; Apollod. ii. 5.1; comp. Aelian, H. A. xii. 7, Serv. ad Aen. viii. 295.) Eurystheus ordered Heracles to bring him the skin of this monster. When Heracles arrived at Cleonac, he was hospitably received by a poor man called Molorchus. This man was on the point of offering up a sacrifice, but Heracles persuaded him to delay it for thirty days until he should return from his fight with the lion, in order that then they might together offer sacrifices to Zeus Soter; but Heracles added, that if he himself should not return, the man should offer a sacrifice to him as a hero. The thirty days passed away, and as Heracles did not return, Molorchus made preparations for the heroic sacrifice; but at that moment Heracles arrived in triumph over the monster, which was slain, and both sacrificed to Zeus Soter. Heracles, after having in vain used his club and arrows against the lion, had blocked up one of the entrances to the den, and entering by the other, he strangled the animal with his own hands. According to Theocritus (xxv. 251, &c.), the contest did not take place in the den, but in the open air, and Heracles is said to have lost a finger in the struggle. (Ptolem. Heph. 2.) He returned to Eurystheus carrying the dead lion on his shoulders; and Eurystheus, frightened at tile gigantic strength of the hero, took to flight, and ordered him in future to deliver the account of his exploits outside the gates of the town. (Diod. iv. 11; Apollod., Theocrit. ll. cc.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Ο πρώτος άθλος που ανέθεσε ο Ευρυσθέας στον Ηρακλή ήταν να σκοτώσει το περίφημο λιοντάρι της Νεμέας, που κανείς δεν μπορούσε να αντιμετωπίσει. Ο Ηρακλής ανακάλυψε, πηγαίνοντας στη Νεμέα και βλέποντας το λιοντάρι, ότι δεν θα κατάφερνε να το σκοτώσει με τα βέλη του. Εκανε τότε το εξής: έφραξε τη μία από τις δύο εισόδους της σπηλιάς όπου έμενε το λιοντάρι, εγκλωβίζοντάς το εκεί. Στη συνέχεια το έπνιξε με τα χέρια του, παρά την τεράστια δύναμη του λιονταριού.



Ο αστερισμός του Λέοντα τοποθετήθηκε στον ουρανό από το Δία προς τιμήν του Ηρακλή, που κατάφερε να σκοτώσει το λιοντάρι της Νεμέας.


Λυκούργος & Αμφιθέα

Ο Λυκούργος και η Αμφιθέα ή η Ευριδίκη, κατ'άλλους, ήταν βασιλείς της Νεμέας και γονείς του Οφέλτη, προς τιμήν του οποίου διοργανώθηκαν τα Νέμεια.

Lycurgus (Lukourgos). A son of Pheres and Periclymene, a brother of Admetus, was king of the country about Nemea, and married to Eurydice or Amphithea, by whom he became the father of Opheltes (Apollod. i. 9.14, iii. 6. 4). His tomb was believed to exist in the grove of the Nemean Zeus. (Paus. ii. 15. 3.)


Οφέλτης & Υψιπύλη

Opheltes. The son of Lycurgus, king of Nemea. Hypsipyle, the Lemnian princess, whom her countrywomen had sold into slavery, was nurse to the infant Opheltes, when the army of Adrastus marched to Nemea, on its way to Thebes. She undertook to guide the new-comers to a spring; and, for that purpose, left the child lying on the grass, where a serpent found and killed it. The Argive leaders slew the serpent and buried the child. Amphiaraus, the famous soothsayer and warrior, augured ill-luck from this event, and called the child Archemorus ("Fate-beginner"), as indicative of the evils that were to befall the chieftains. His other name, Opheltes, was derived, according to the mythologists, from ophis, as he died by the bite of a serpent.
Hypsipyle Hupsipule). Daughter of Thoas of Lemnos. The Lemnian women had, from jealousy of their Thracian maids, killed all the men of the island; Hypsipyle alone spared her father Thoas, having been the means of aiding his flight. When the Argonauts landed at Lemnos and united with the women, Hypsipyle bore twin sons to Iason-- Euneus, who in Homer figures as king of Lemnos and carries on trade with the Greeks before Troy; and Thoas (also called Deiphilus and Nebrophonus), who is sometimes described as a son of Dionysus. When the news of her father's escape was rumoured among the Lemnian women, Hypsipyle was forced to flee for her life, and was captured by pirates, who sold her to Lycurgus of Nemea. There, as the nurse of Opheltes, the infant son of the king, she accidentally caused his death by a snake, and was exposed to the greatest danger, from which she was only rescued by the intervention of her sons, who were sent to her aid by Dionysus.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Ο Οφέλτης ήταν γιος του Λυκούργου και της Ευριδίκης. Οταν γεννήθηκε, ο πατέρας του ρώτησε το Μαντείο των Δελφών πώς θα εξασφαλίσει την καλή υγεία του μωρού. Ο χρησμός που του δόθηκε έλεγε πως ο Οφέλτης δε θα έπρεπε να ακουμπήσει στη γη πριν μάθει να περπατάει. Ο Λυκούργος ανέθεσε σε μια δούλη, την Υψιπύλη, να προσέχει το μωρό. Κάποια μέρα, καθώς οι Επτά Ηρωες πήγαιναν προς τη Θήβα, συνάντησαν την Υψιπύλη στο άλσος από κυπαρίσσια που περιέβαλε το Ναό του Δία και τη ρώτησαν πού μπορούσαν να βρουν νερό. Εκείνη για να τους δείξει την πηγή άφησε κάτω το μικρό Οφέλτη, με αποτέλεσμα να τον δαγκώσει ένα φίδι και να πεθάνει. Προς τιμήν του διοργανώθηκαν πρώτη φορά τα Νέμεια.(Perseus Encyclopedia)

Archemorus (Archemoros), a son of the Nemean king Lycurgus, and Eurydice. His real name was Opheltes, which was said to have been changed into Archemorus, that is, "the Forerunner of death," on the following occasion. When the Seven heroes on their expedition against Thebes stopped at Nemea to take in water, the nurse of the child Opheltes, while shewing the way to the Seven, left the child alone. In the meantime, the child was killed by a dragon, and buried by the Seven. But as Amphiaraus saw in this accident an omen boding destruction to him and his companions, they called the child Archemorus, and instituted the Nemean games in honour of him. (Apollod. iii. 6.4)

Θεοί & ημίθεοι

Zeus Apesantius

Apesantius (Apesantios), a surname of Zeus, under which he had a temple on mount Apesas near Nemea, where Perseus was said to have first offered sacrifices to him. (Paus. ii. 15.3; Steph. Byz. s. v. Apesas)

Ιστορικές προσωπικότητες


Κόρη του Ασωπού, έδωσε το όνομά της στην πόλη (Παυσ. 2,15,3).

Τέρατα της μυθολογίας

The Dragon Nemeios

The Dragon Nemeios was a monstrous dragon (or serpent) that guarded the sacred grove of Zeus at Nemea. When the baby Opheltes was left lying in the grass by his nurse, while directing the army of the Seven Against Thebes to a nearby spring, the Drakon descended upon the babe and slew him. The heroes subsequently founded the Nemeian Games in honour of the child and Nemean Zeus.

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