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Information on the area

Homeric world (1)



Homer calls the mountain "perimiketon (= lofty)" (Od. 6.103).

Mythology (2)

Historic figures


Taygete had by Zeus a son Lacedaemon, after whom the country of Lacedaemon is called

   (Taugete). The daughter of Atlas and Pleione, one of the Pleiades, from whom Mount Taygetus in Laconia is said to have derived its name. By Zeus she became the mother of Lacedaemon and of Eurotas.

Ancient literary sources (1)

Perseus Encyclopedia

Monuments reported by ancient authors (1)

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Demeter Eleusinian

Between Taletum and Euoras is a place they name Therae, where they say Leto from the Peaks of Taygetus ... is a sanctuary of Demeter surnamed Eleusinian. Here according to the Lacedaemonian story Heracles was hidden by Asclepius while he was being healed of a wound. In the sanctuary is a wooden image of Orpheus, a work, they say, of Pelasgians.

Various locations (5)

Ancient place-names


Place in Laconia.


Place in Laconia.


Place in Laconia.


Peak of Mt. Taygetus, sacred to Sun



Spring in Taygetus

Biotopes (2)

Hellenic Ornithological Society

Official pages

The forest of central Taygetos

The animal Kingdom there, includes various reptiles which is a result of the great variety in altitude. It includes warm conditions and rocky landscapes while it doesn't fall short in birds and mammals. Till today, there have been observed 85 species of birds, 19 species of mammals and 33 species of reptiles and amphibians. Today, the dominant species are: fox, weasel, marten, rabbit, wildcat, jackal, hedgehog, golden eagle, diplosaeno, partridge, owl, male owl, rock kirkinezo, crow, hawk-thrush, houhouristes etc. The ground rock is calcareous (of limestone) at higher altitudes and crystalline schist at lower altitudes which make up grounds which have good natural qualities for forest vegetation. The climate of the forest is harch with very cold winters and cool summers where the hot days of summers are followed by cold nights.
The animal Kingdom there, includes various reptiles which is a result of the great variety in altitude. It includes warm conditions and rocky landscapes while it doesn't fall short in birds and mammals. Till today, there have been observed 85 species of birds, 19 species of mammals and 33 species of reptiles and amphibians. Today, the dominant species are: fox, weasel, marten, rabbit, wildcat, jackal, hedgehog, golden eagle, diplosaeno, partridge, owl, male owl, rock kirkinezo, crow, hawk-thrush, houhouristes etc. The ground rock is calcareous (of limestone) at higher altitudes and crystalline schist at lower altitudes which make up grounds which have good natural qualities for forest vegetation. The climate of the forest is harch with very cold winters and cool summers where the hot days of summers are followed by cold nights.

This extract is cited March 2003 from the Messenia Prefecture Tourism Promotion Commission URL below, which contains image.

Information about the place (5)

Non commercial Web-Sites

Development Society "Parnon -Taygetus" Ltd.

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


(Taugetos) or Taygetum (Taugeton) or Taygeta (ta Taugeta). A lofty range of mountains, of a wild and savage character, separating Laconia and Messenia, and extending from the frontiers of Arcadia down to the Promontorium Taenarum.

Perseus Project

Local government WebPages

Taygetos mountain

It is situated in the east of the perfecture and it constitutes a natural boundary among Messinia, Lakonia and Arkadia. It stretches to a distance of 110 km from Megalopoli to cape Taenaro and it's the highest mountain of the Peloponnese. The most important peaks are Prophet Elias (2407 m.), Neraedovouna (2025 m.) and Xerovouna (1852 m.). It has got plentiful vegetation of herbs like oregano, mint and tea bushes while on central Taygetos (Alagonia) and at Vasiliki (Mani) there are forests of black pine and conifer in such variety that it composes a vegetation structure with interest in all time.

This extract is cited March 2003 from the Messenia Prefecture Tourism Promotion Commission URL below, which contains image.

Orevatein WebPages

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