Listed 10 sub titles with search on: Archaeological sites for wider area of: "THERMON Ancient city ETOLOAKARNANIA" .
Site: Thermon
Type: Bouleuterion
Summary: Rectangular building; in the southeast corner of the Sanctuary
of Apollo Thermios.
Date: ca. 350 B.C. - 160 B.C.
Period: Late Clas./Hell.
Rectangular meeting hall opening on the north.
Also known as the Aetolian Council Hall.
This text is cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 2 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
Site: Thermon
Type: Stoa
Summary: Stoa; at the southeast corner of the Sanctuary of Apollo
Date: ca. 275 B.C. - 216 B.C.
Period: Hellenistic
Two-aisled stoa opening west with a Doric outer colonnade.
This text is cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 2 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
Site: Thermon
Type: Fountainhouse
Summary: Rectangular structure with zig-zag channel; in the Sanctuary
of Apollo Thermios, between the Temple of Apollo and the Middle Stoa.
Date: ca. 300 B.C. - 200 B.C.
Period: Hellenistic
Small three-sided building fitted with spouts and opening southwest. A zig-zag
channel from it runs roughly east-west.
The fountain and channel still function.
This text is cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 3 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
Site: Thermon
Type: House
Summary: 'Hair-pin' shaped house; on the north side of the Sanctuary
of Apollo, partly under the northwest corner of the Temple of Apollo Thermios.
Date: ca. 1400 B.C. - 1100 B.C.
Period: Late Bronze Age
Long apsidal building opening southwest. On the south end, extended antae, possibly
returning, formed a deep porch, the porch rear wall opened onto a long nearly
rectangular room with a door on its north end leading into a room in the apse.
This text is cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 4 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
Site: Thermon
Type: Temple
Summary: Three-roomed structure; beneath the later Temple of Apollo
Date: ca. 1000 B.C. - 680 B.C.
Period: Geometric
Long, narrow building, with deep porch, large central room and a small rear room.
Slightly curving rear wall.
The function of the slightly apsidal 10th century B.C. structure is uncertain.
The peristyle of wooden posts resting on stone slabs appears to have been added
later, possibly in the 8th or 7th century B.C. The apsidal colonnade of wooden
posts surrounding Megaron B would make it the earliest example of a temple with
a colonnade, and the only example of an apsidal peristyle, but Lawrence suggests
the relation of these posts to Megaron B is probably coincidental.
This text is cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 1 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
Site: Thermon
Type: Stoa
Summary: Stoa; in the Sanctuary of Apollo Thermios, running north-south
between the Temple of Apollo and the South Stoa.
Date: ca. 275 B.C. - 216 B.C.
Period: Hellenistic
Two-aisled stoa opening east with buttressed rear wall on the west.
This text is cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 1 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
Site: Thermon
Type: Peribolos Wall
Summary: Wall with towers; surrounding the Sanctuary of Apollo Thermios.
Date: ca. 250 B.C.
Period: Hellenistic
Nearly rectangular peribolos wall with square towers built at regular intervals,
and round towers guarding the southwest entry. Another entry on the northern wall.
The entire wall is not preserved. Although remains at the sanctuary date to earlier
periods, the protective walls are from the 3rd century B.C.
This text is cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
Site: Thermon
Type: Stoa
Summary: Stoa; on the south side of the Sanctuary of Apollo Thermios,
parallel to the southern sanctuary wall.
Date: ca. 275 B.C. - 216 B.C.
Period: Hellenistic
Two-aisled stoa with probable Doric outer colonnade, opening north. Buttressed
rear wall.
This text is cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 4 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
Site: Thermon
Type: Temple
Summary: Narrow peripteral temple; at the northern end of the Sanctuary
of Apollo Thermios.
Date: ca. 630 B.C. - 610 B.C.
Period: Archaic
Doric peripteral temple, 5 x 15 columns, with two-aisled cella opening south directly
onto the peristyle. The first of the 10 interior columns stood in the space between
the antae of the cella. Opisthodomos with 2 columns on the north.
Built over the remains of Megaron B. The wooden columns were later replaced by
stone. Northwest of the temple may have been a small Temple of Apollo Lyseios,
and to the east, a small Temple of Artemis.
This text is cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 29 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
Region: Aetolia
Periods: Late Bronze Age, Geometric, Dark Age, Archaic, Classical,
Type: Sanctuary
Summary: Sanctuary of Apollo and meeting place of the Aetolian League.
Physical Description:
Located on a mountain plateau above the NE shore of Lake Trichonis
in W Central Greece, the fortified temenos occupied an area of 340 by 200 m. It
contained 3 temples, 3 stoas, a fountain and spring, agora, and a bouleuterion
as well as exedra and votive sculpture. Fragmentary remains of an early (ca. 630-610
B.C.) Doric temple were found below the later temple of Apollo Thermios and above
the so-called Megaron B, a possible temple of Geometric date. There was also a
temple of Artemis at the sanctuary.
The site was first settled in the Late Bronze Age. At sometime
in the Geometric period the site took on a religious character as evidenced by
the remains of Megaron B, a cult building with an elliptical colonnade (which
may, however, have been added at a later date). Above the Megaron B temple an
Archaic temple was built which was then replaced after 206 B.C. by the final temple
of Apollo Thermios. In the Classical period the site became a Pan-Aetolian sanctuary
and the meeting place for members of the Aetolian League. Annual festivals were
held and the election of magistrates took place in the bouleuterion at the site.
The fortification of the sanctuary probably occurred after the invasion of Antipater
and Krateros in 323 B.C. Thermon was plundered by Philip V of Macedon in 218 and
206 B.C., but it continued to function until ca. 168 B.C. when the League was
reduced. The discovery of 1st century B.C. graves in the temenos area indicates
that the site was no longer a sacred precinct by this time.
Excavations: 1896-1916, G. Soteriades, Greek Archaeological
Donald R. Keller, ed.
This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains 19 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
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