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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Sights  for wider area of: "ISTIEA Province EVIA" .

Sights (1)


Small and Big Livari

  This is a lagoon in the area of Kanatadika at Istiea. It's 1.000 stremata (1 hectare or 1.000.000m2), 700 of which are brackish and the rest 300 are a kind of swampy land. Its maximum depth is 1,2m and minimum 0,5m. It is a rare natural hydrobiotopos that is ornithologicaly interesting since it's the intermediate station for migratory birds. A large part of its surface is covered by swampy vegetation such as reeds, bulrushes and water-lilies. The lakeside vegetation is covered by farming, bushes, deciduous trees and mosses. The presence of water birds, that tend to become extinct in Greece, is very important. The areas of Kanatadika, Delta Xiria and Hydrochares Dassos of Saint Nicholas, have been included in the National Catalogue of Suggested Areas in order to be placed in the Network "Natura 2000".
This text is cited May 2003 from the Prefecture of Evia tourist pamphlet (1999).

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