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Olympic games (4)

Modern Olympic Games

Melbourne 1956

   The Melbourne Olympics were also called the Olympics of Bureaucracy. With just one opposing vote the IOC had decided, in 1949, to send the Games to Australia. Their hesitation was due to the Australian's tardiness in finishing the facilities as well as the inflexible australian laws that prohibited the importation of animals, thus excluding the equestrian sports to be held in Melbourne. So, for the first time and contrary to IOC rules, an event was detached from the main Games and was held elsewhere, in Sweden.
   The 1956 Olympics, the only Olympiad so far to take place in the Southern Hemisphere, opened in Melbourne under a cloud of international ill-will, caused by the Soviet invasion in Hungary and by the Franco-British intervention in the Suez Canal dispute. Protesting Holland, Switzerland and Spain withdrew. So did Lebanon and Egypt. Communist China followed suit and withdrew in a protest for Taiwan's presence.
   The distance runs were dominated by Soviet sailor Vladimir Kuts with record victories at 5,000m and 10,000m. Ireland took one gold with Ronnie Delany at 1,500m. The ever great Emil Zatopek has his first taste of defeat from the Algerian-French Alain Mimoun. Mimoun came first leaving Zatopek six places behind. Let us be reminded that in the last three Olympiads, Mimoun was always a standard second, with Zatopek first.
   In the closing day, the participants did not parade in rows of four as it was done until then. They entered the stadium "en masse" signifying the closeness and the friendship of the Games. The idea came from an Australian-born Chinese boy, John Whing, in a letter he addressed to the Olympic Committee. A happy postscript to the games took place in Prague the next year when Harold Connolly, the American hammer-throw winner, married Olga Figotova, the Czech Olympic discus champion. Best man for the occasion? Who would be more appropriate than a smiling Emil Zatopek?

Text by Dimitri N. Marcopoulos

Melbourne 1956

Links with various Organizations' WebPages:
The Olympic Movement
American Sport Art Museum and Archives , a division of the United States Sports Academy
International Sailing Federation

Melbourne 1956

Links with various Media's WebPages:
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
British Broadcasting Corporation

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