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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "ASSYRIA Ancient country PERSIAN GULF" .

Ancient literary sources (2)

Perseus Encyclopedia


ASSYRIA (Ancient country) PERSIAN GULF
Assyrian rule of Upper Asia, resistance to Medes, Median conquest of all Assyria but Babylonia, Cyrus' invasion, Herodotus' proposed Assyrian history, some account of Assyria, Sanacharibus' invasion of Egypt with Arabians and Assyrians, Assyrian script, Perseus an Assyrian, Assyrians in Xerxes' army, Thias, king of, Assyrian looms.


NINEVI (Ancient city) ASSYRIA
Taken by the Medes, capital of Assyria, superseded by Babylon, on the Tigris, robbery of Sardanapalus' treasures there, lies desolate, palace of Assyrian kings there of old.

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