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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "AGRIANES Ancient area GREECE" .

Ancient literary sources (2)

Perseus Encyclopedia


AGRIANES (Ancient area) GREECE
A Paeonian tribe & A tributary of the Hebrus.



The Strymon has its source in the country of the Agrianes who live round about Rhodope; and alongside this country lies Parorbelia, a district of Macedonia, which has in its interior, along the valley that begins at Eidonene, the cities Callipolis, Orthopolis, Philippopolis, Garescus. . .
Not only the Axius flows out of the country of the Paeonians, but also the Strymon, for it flows out of the country of the Agrianes through that of the Medi and Sinti and empties into the parts that are between the Bisaltae and the Odomantes. . .
It is clear that in early times, as now, the Paeonians occupied much of what is now Macedonia, so that they could not only lay siege to Perinthus but also bring under their power all Crestonia and Mygdonis and the country of the Agrianes as far as Pangaeurum.

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