Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources for wider area of: "THRAKI Ancient country BALKANS" .
THRAKI (Ancient country) BALKANS
Phocaean migration thither, conquest by Sesostris, Thracian contempt of peaceful occupations, Thracian rivers, use of hemp there, Darius in Thrace, population and customs of Thrace, Histiaeus there, Aristagoras killed by Thracians, their attack on Mardonius, Thrace conquered by Mysians and Teucrians, Persian supremacy, Xerxes' route through Thrace, reverence of Thracians for road of Xerxes' army, Thracians in his army, Thracian theft of Xerxes' chariot, Artabazus' retreat harassed by Thracians, human sacrifice there, Typhon in, Lemnian men take captive women from, Salmydessus in, the cows of Geryon disperse in the mountains of, Cadmus and Telephassa settle in, traversed by Dionysus, Tereus in, Eumolpus in, Athenian expeditions to, giants in, lions of.
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