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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Various locations  for wider area of: "CESME District TURKEY" .

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Ancient place-names


ERYTHRES (Ancient city) TURKEY
District belonging to Erythrae.

After Mt. Corycus one comes to Halonnesos, a small island. Then to Argennum, a promontory of the Erythraean territory; it is very close to the Poseidium of the Chians, which latter forms a strait about sixty stadia in width. Between Erythrae and Hypocremnus lies Mimas, a lofty mountain, which is well supplied with game and well wooded. Then one comes to a village Cybelia, and to a promontory Melaena, as it is called, which has a millstone quarry.

Argennum promontory

Argennum (Argennon, Arginon, Thucyd. viii. 34), a promontory of the territory of Erythrae, the nearest point of the mainland to Posidium in Chios, and distant 60 stadia from it. The modern name is said to be called Cap Blanc.

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