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Location information

Listed 7 sub titles with search on: Various locations  for wider area of: "KAPARELI Small town PLATEES" .

Various locations (7)

Ancient place-names

Sphragidium cave

(Paus. 9,3,9). Plutarchus mentions (Arist. 11) that in the old times there was an oracle in the cave and that whoever went there got so excited that the others called them "nymph-stricken".

The spring of Artemis

PLATEES (Ancient city) VIOTIA
This road leads to Plataea from Eleutherae. On the road from Megara there is a spring on the right, and a little farther on a rock. It is the Vergutiani spring of today.

The bed of Actaeon

On the road from Megara there is a spring on the right, and a little farther on a rock. It is called the bed of Actaeon, for it is said that he slept thereon when weary with hunting, and that into this spring he looked while Artemis was bathing in it. Stesichorus of Himera says that the goddess cast a deer-skin round Actaeon to make sure that his hounds would kill him, so as to prevent his taking Semele to wife.

Oeroe river

River of Boeotia.

Gargaphian Spring

On the battlefield of Plataea.


A place near Plataea.

Molois stream

near the battlefield of Plataea

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