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Listed 6 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "PIRAEUS Municipality ATTIKI" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (6)

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Aphrodite

PIRAEUS (Ancient city) GREECE
And by the sea Conon built a sanctuary of Aphrodite, after he had crushed the Lacedaemonian warships off Cnidus in the Carian peninsula.

Precinct of Athena and Zeus

The most noteworthy sight in the Peiraeus is a precinct of Athena and Zeus. Both their images are of bronze; Zeus holds a staff and a Victory, Athena a spear. Here is a portrait of Leosthenes and of his sons, painted by Arcesilaus.

Ancient statues

Statues of Zeus and Demos

Behind the portico near the sea stand a Zeus and a Demos, the work of Leochares.

Ancient temples

Temple of Hera

FALIRON (Ancient demos) PIRAEUS
On the way from Phalerum to Athens there is a temple of Hera with neither doors nor roof. Men say that Mardonius, son of Gobryas, burnt it. But the image there to-day is, as report goes, the work of Alcamenes so that this, at any rate, cannot have been damaged by the Persians.

Ancient tombs

The tomb of Aristeides

...his tomb is pointed out at Phalerum, and they say the city constructed it for him, since he did not leave even enough to pay for his funeral. (Plut. Arist.27.1)

The grave of Themistocles

PIRAEUS (Ancient city) GREECE
Even up to my time there were docks there, and near the largest harbor is the grave of Themistocles. For it is said that the Athenians repented of their treatment of Themistocles, and that his relations took up his bones and brought them from Magnesia.

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