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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "FREDERIKSBORG County DENMARK" .

Information about the place (2)

Civic geography

Frederiksborg County

The County of Frederiksborg covers 1,347 sq km, and is, with 363.098 inhabitants, the fifth largest county in Denmark. The county encompasses 19 municipalities and is surrounded by the blue sea - a green county in the middle of the Oresund Region. Major cities are Ellsinore, Hillerod and Frederikssund. In the northeastern corner the charming Ellsinore with the impressive “Hamlet Castle”, Kronborg. Hillerod - with the magnificent renaissance castle of Frederiksborg - is the heart of North Zealand and the hometown of the county hall. In the western part you find the fjord side town Frederikssund - famous for its annual viking plays.

Local government Web-Sites

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