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Information about the place (2)


The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites

Astapa or Ostippo

Astapa or Ostippo (Estepa) Sevilla, Spain.
Situated between Osuna and Puente Genil and mentioned by Pliny (NH 3.12). The modern town surrounds the hill on which Astapa must have stood; but excavation has produced no traces. Livy (28.22; 28.23.5) and Appian (Iber. 33) recount the capture of Astapa by Marcius while Scipio retired to Carthago Nova after taking Castulo and Iliturgi in 206 B.C. Famous for its defense by its inhabitants who, after firing the town and consigning its valuables to the flames, slew their wives and children and one another. Rome gained nothing by its capture. Livy writes of it "ingenia incolarum latrocinio laeta". Its final fate reminds us of Numantia.

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