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Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


Malli (Malloi, Arrian, Anab. vi. 7, 8, 14), the inhabitants of tile south part of the district now known by the name of the Panjab. There was probably in ancient times a city from which they derived their name, though the name of the town is not given by ancient authors. (Arrian, l. c.; Strab. xv.; Curt. ix. 4.) The people occupied the space between the Acesines (Asikni) and Hyarotis (Iravati), which both enter the Indus at no great distance. There can be little doubt that the name represents at once the country and the town of the Malli, being itself derived from the Sanscrit Malasthani. Pliny speaks of Malli quorum Mons Mallus (vi. 17. s. 21). If his locality corresponds with that of the other geographers, the name might be taken from the mountain which was conspicuous there. It is not, however, possible from Pliny's brief notice, to determine anything of the position of his Malli. It was in this country, and not improbably in the actual town of the Malli (as Arrian appears to think) that Alexander was nearly slain in combat with the Indian tribes of the Panjab.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited Dec 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

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