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Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


CASYSTES (Ancient port) TURKEY
  Casystes (Kasustes), a port of Ionia. Strabo, whose description proceeds from south to north, after describing Teos, says, before you come to Erythrae, first is Gerae, a small city of the Teians, then Corycus, a lofty mountain, and a harbour under it, Casystes; and another harbour called Erythras (see Groskurd's Transl. vol. iii. p. 24, 25, and notes). It is probably the Cyssus of Livy (xxxvi. 43), the port to which the fleet of Antiochus sailed (B.C. 191) before the naval engagement in which the king was defeated by Eumenes and the Romans. Leake supposes this port to be Latzata, the largest on this part of the coast.

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