Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Information about the place for wider area of: "ACHLADOKAMBOS Village ARGOLIS" .
YSSIES (Ancient city) ARGOLIS
Husiai, Husia, Eth. Husiates. A town in the Argeia, on the road from
Argos to Tegea, and at the foot of Mt. Parthenium. (Paus. ii. 24. § 7, viii. 6.
§ 4, 54. § 7; Strab. viii. p. 376.) It appears to have been destroyed by the Argives,
along with Tiryns, Mycenae, and the other towns in the Argeia, after the Persian
wars (Paus. viii. 27. § 1); but it was afterwards restored, and was occupied by
the Argives in the Peloponnesian War as a frontier-fortress, till it was taken
and destroyed a second time by the Lacedaemonians in B.C. 417. (Thuc. v. 83; Diod.
xii. 81.) The defeat of the Lacedaemonians by the Argives, near Hysiae, of which
Pausanias (ii. 24. § 7) speaks, is placed in B.C. 669. The ruins of Hysiae stand
on an isolated hill above the plain of Achladokampos (Achladokampos, from achras,
achlas, a wild pear-tree, and kampos, a plain). They consist of the remains of
the acropolis, which escaped the notice of Leake.
This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
An Argive border citadel S of the modern village of Achladokampos on the road between Lerna and Tripolis. The town was destroyed by the Lakedaimonians in 417 B.C.; following the defeat, the Argive dead were buried at Kenchreai. The ruins of Hysiai were seen by Pausanias and the walls were described by Curtius as polygonal on ashlar foundations, and flanked by round towers.
M. H. Mc Allister, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites,
Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from
Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
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