Listed 4 sub titles with search on: Information about the place for wider area of: "AGRINIO Municipality ETOLOAKARNANIA" .
Agrinium (Agrinion), a town of Aetolia, situated towards the NE. of Aetolia, near the Achelous. Its position is quite uncertain. From its name we might conjecture that it was a town of the Agraci; but the narrative in Polybius (v. 7) would imply that it was not so far north. In B.C. 314 we find Agrinium in alliance with the Acarnanians, when Cassander marched to the assistance of the latter against the Aetolians. As soon as Cassander returned to Macedonia, Agrinium was besieged by the Aetolians,and capitulated; but the Aetolians treacherously put to death the greater part of the inhabitants. (Died. xix. 67, 68; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. i. p. 156.)
A town in central Aitolia ca. 3 km NE of the modern town of the same
name (formerly called Vrachori). Its general location, E of the Acheloos river
below Stratos, is given by Polybios (5.7.7) in his account of the march of Philip
V on Thermon in 218 B.C. The town, which had been occupied by the Akarnanians
in 314 B.C., was sacked by the Aitolians (Diod. 19.67-68). Excavations have uncovered
a stretch of city wall ca. 2 km in circumference, and foundations of several buildings.
E. Vanderpool, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites,
Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Oct 2002 from
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