Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Information about the place for wider area of: "ETOLIKON Municipality IERA POLIS MESSOLONGIOU" .
A densely inhabited island in the salt lake of Messolongi.
It is connected with the land by a bridge made of stone, 300m. long and 8m. wide.
It was built in 1898. It is 12km. from Messolongi and it has 5,381 residents.
It is an old naval town with vivid colors and a picturesque style. It is known
for its heroic resistance to the Turks, especially during the second siege of
The church of the Assumption of the Holy Mother. It was built on the
ruins of an old Christian church. The two assemblies of the representatives from
Roumeli took place here. In this church, there is also a picture of the Holy Mother,
which has become red because of the many swearing of Karaiskaki.
The Taxiarhon's church which was destroyed by a bomb in 1823. There
is a well with water in the church. At the yard there is the grave of lady Vassiliki,
the great love of Ali Pasha.
This text is cited December 2004 from the West Greece Region General Secretariat URL below, which contains images.
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