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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "POTAMOS HYPENERTHEN Ancient demos LAVREOTIKI" .

Information about the place (2)



The name Potamos is applied to three demes on the southeast side of Attica, between Thorikos to the North and Prassiae to the South: 1) Potamos Hypenerthen 2) Potamos Kathyperthen 3) Potamos Deiradiotou or Deirades

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)

Potamus (Potamos or Potamoi), the name of two demi, as appears from an inscription quoted by Ross (p. 92), though apparently only one place. It lay on the east coast north of Thoricus, and was once a populous place: it was celebrated as containing the sepulchre of Ion. (Strab. ix. pp, 398, 399; Paus. i. 31. § 2, vii. i. § 2; Plin. iv. 7. s. 11; Suid.; Harpocr.) Its harbour was probably the modern Dhaskalio; and the demus itself is placed by Leake at the ruins named Paleokastro or Evreokastro, situated on a height surrounded by torrents two miles to the south-west of Dhaskalio, a little to the south of the village Dardheza. The port Dhaskalio was probably, as Leake observes, the one which received the Peloponnesian fleet in B.C. 411. (Thuc. viii. 95.)

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