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Εμφανίζονται 7 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΚΑΙΜΠΡΙΤΖ Πόλη ΑΓΓΛΙΑ" .

Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο (7)

Κόμβοι τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης

Fenland District Council


South Cambridgeshire District Council


Huntingdonshire District Council


The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Cambridge (Durolipons) Cambridgeshire, England.
The Roman town of Cambridge lay on the S end of a broad ridge NW of the Cam, in the area now occupied by the mediaeval castle and the churches of St. Giles and St. Peter. The Roman name of the place is not certain. Camboritum in the Antonine Itinerary was earlier favored, on the grounds of its general similarity to Cambridge, but this identification is no more than specious. Durolipons, also listed in the Antonine Itinerary, is the most probable Roman name for the town.
  The system of Roman roads around Cambridge is of some interest: two major routes cross at the site of the town itself. Akeman Street branches from Ermine Street and runs NE towards Cambridge, leading thence into the Isle of Ely. The road from Colchester (Camulodunum) can be traced over the Gog Magog hills SE of the town, and from their foot a branch road led to a crossing of the Cam at Cambridge itself and thence towards Godmanchester.
  The early period of Roman Cambridge is still little known. A length of pre-Flavian ditch found beneath Shire Hall in the W part of the town has been claimed as part of the defenses of an early Roman fort, but proof is lacking. On general grounds, the siting of a fort at the crossing of the Cam is very likely. A settlement of the pre-Roman Iron Age may also be proposed, since a number of late Iron Age pottery vessels have been found in various parts of the town, but this hypothesis also has yet to be confirmed by the discovery of structural remains.
  The Roman settlement was at some stage walled, and the polygonal defenses enclosed an area of 10-11.2 ha. The longer axis of the enclosure ran NW-SE; it was crossed by the Roman road leading NW towards Godmanchester (now represented by the Huntington Road and Castle Street), and SE towards Colchester, presumably crossing the Cam by a bridge a short distance below the present Magdalene Bridge. Excavated evidence for the structure and dating of the defenses is not extensive, but it suggests that there was an earth rampart of the late 2d c., in front of which a stone wall was built in the 3d c. Outside these lay a ditch some 10-12 m wide and 2.4-3.6 m deep. Neither rampart nor ditch now survives, but the outline of the defensive works can be traced with some confidence on the N, S, and W sides. A bank in the grounds of Magdalene College, formerly identified as the rampart of the Roman town, is now known to be post-Roman. The W gate, which had at least one flanking tower, has recently been excavated.
  Several cemeteries have been located on the fringes of the settlement, at Girton, Coldham Common, Trumpington, and on the Huntingdon Road. Sculptured fragments found at Girton may have come from a monumental tomb. The Arbury Road cemetery, which lay along Akeman Street NE of the town, dated in the main from the 3d and 4th c., and included a large walled tomb containing two inhumation burials, one in a lead-lined stone sarcophagus.
  The Roman town was the focus for a considerable agricultural population; farmsteads are attested at the War Ditch, Cherry Hinton, Manor Farm, and at several other sites close to the town. Like Cambridge itself, many of these sites appear to have been occupied in the later Iron Age. After the collapse of Roman administration, the town remained a nucleus of settlement; pagan Anglo-Saxon objects have been recovered from within the walls and from burials outside them. Finds are in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography.

M. Todd, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Feb 2006 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

Σελίδες τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης

East Cambridgeshire District Council


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