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Listed 4 sub titles with search on: Religious figures biography for destination: "MAURITANIA Country WEST AFRICA".

Religious figures biography (4)


St. Arcadius

Feastday: January 12

St. Marciana, the martyr

d.c. 303, feastday: January 9 (Catholic). Virgin martyr of Mauretania. She was ac­cused of vandalizing a statue of the goddess Diana. After torments, Marciana was gored by a bull and mauled by a leopard in the amphitheater of Caesarea, also in Mauretania

Sts Timothy, Polius, & Eutychius

d. late 3rd/early 4th century, feastday: May 21 (Catholic). Three martyrs in Mauretania, Africa, who were put to death during the persecutions under Emperor Diocletian.

St. Antiochus

Antiochus. The name of two physicians, saints and martyrs, the first of whom was born of an equestrian family in Mauritania. After devoting some years to the study of sacred and profane literature, he finally embraced the medical profession, not for the sake of gain, but merely that he might be useful to mankind. He spent some time in Asia Minor, where he exercised his profession gratuitously, and used to endeavour to convert his patients to Christianity. He then went to Sardinia during the persecution against the Christians under Hadrian, about A. D. 120, where he is said to have been cruelly tortured, and at last miraculously delivered by being taken up into heaven. His memory is celebrated by the Romish church on the 13th of December.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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