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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Religious figures biography  for wider area of: "ENOS Ancient city THESSALIA" .

Religious figures biography (1)

Monks & ascetics

Argyrus, Isaac

ENOS (Ancient city) THESSALIA
Argyrus, Isaac, a Greek monk, who lived about the year A. D. 1373. He is the author of a considerable number of works, but only one of them has yet been published. viz. a work upon the method of finding the time when Easter should be celebrated (paschalios kanon), which he dedicated to Andronicus, praefect of the town of Aenus in Thessaly. It was first edited, with a Latin translation and notes, by J. Christmann, at Heidelberg, 1611, and was afterwards inserted by Petavius in his " Uranologium" (Paris, 1630, fol., and Antwerp, 1703, fol.), with a new Latin translation and notes; but the last chapter of the work, which is contained in Christmann's edition and had been published before by Jos. Scaliger, is wanting in the " Uranologium." Petavius inserted in his " Uranologium" also a second " canon paschalis" (iii. p. 384), which he ascribes to Argyrus, but without having any authority for it. There exist in various European libraries, in MS., several works of Argyrus, which have not yet been printed.

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