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MEGARA (Ancient city) GREECE
Pandion. A son of Cecrops and Metiadusa, was likewise a king of Athens. Being
expelled from Athens by the Metionidae, he fled to Megara, and there married Pylia,
the daughter of king Pylas. When the latter, in consequence of a murder, emigrated
into Peloponnesus, Pandion obtained the government of Megara. He became the father
of Aegeus, Pallas, Nisus, Lycus, and a natural son, Oeneus, and also of a daughter,
who was married to Sciron (Apollod. iii. 15.1; Paus. i. 5.2, 29.5; Eurip. Med.
660). His tomb was shown in the territory of Megara, near the rock of Athena Aethyia,
on the sea-coast (Paus. i. 5.3), and at Megara he was honoured with an heroum
(i. 41.6). A statue of him stood at Athens, on the acropolis, among those of the
eponymic heroes (i. 5.3).
This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Sep 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
Pandionidae (Pandionidai), a patronymic of Pandion, i. e. the sons of Pandion,
who, after their father's death, returned from Megara to Athens, and expelled
the Metionidae. Aegeus, the eldest among them, obtained the supremacy, Lycus the
eastern coast of Attica, Nisus Megaris, and Pallas the southern coast. (Apollod.
iii. 15.6; Paus. i. 5.4; Strab. ix.; Eustath. ad Hom.; Dionys. Perieg.1024.)
Megarus (Megaros), a son of Zeus, by a Sithnian or Megarian nymph. In the Deucalionian flood he is said to have escaped to the summit of Mount Gerania, by following the cries of cranes. (Paus. i. 40.1)
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