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Homeric world (15)

Greek leaders in the Trojan War

Eumelus & Iphthime

He was son of Admetus and Alcestis and the leader of the Thessalians from Pherae, Boebe, Glaphyrae and Iolcus with 11 ships (Il. 2.714). His wife was Iphthime, daughter of Icarius and sister of Penelope (Od. 4.797)

Eumelus, (Eumelos), a son of Admetus and Alcestis, who went with eleven ships and warriors from Pherae, Boebe, Glaphyrae, and Iaolcus to Troy. He was distinguished for his excellent horses, which had once been under the care of Apollo, and with which Eumelus would have gained the prize at the funeral games of Patroclus, if his chariot had not been broken. He was married to Iphthima, the daughter of Iearius. (Hom. Il. ii. 711, &c. 764, xxiii. 375, 536, Od. iv. 798; Strab. ix.)

Iphthime. A daughter of Icarius, and sister of Penelope. Athena assumed the appearance of Iphthime, when she appeared to the unfortunate mother of Telemachus. (Hom. Od. iv. 797.)

Greeks of the Homeric Catalogue of Ships

Trojan war

Pherae participated in the Trojan War and is listed in the Homeric Catalogue of Ships (Il. 2.713). The poet mentions that Eumelus lived there (Od. 4.798).


Admetus & Alcestis

Admetus was the king of Pherae, son of Pheres, husband of Alcestis and father of Eumelus (Il. 2.713-714).
The love of Alcestis led her to give her life for her husband to be saved, as the Moires had promised that Admetus would stay alive, only if someone from his family died; but Persephone sent her back to the world of the livings.

  Admetus, Admetos. King of Pherae, who sued for Alcestis, the daughter of Pelias. Pelias promised her on condition that he should come in a chariot drawn by lions and boars. This task Admetus performed by the assistance of Apollo. The god tended the flocks of Admetus for nine years, when he was obliged to serve a mortal for having slain the Cyclops. Apollo prevailed upon the Moerae, or Fates, to grant to Admetus deliverance from death if his father, mother, or wife would die for him. Alcestis died in his stead, but was brought back by Heracles from the lower world.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Admetus (Admetos), a son of Pheres, the founder and king of Pherae in Thessaly, and of Periclymene or Clymene (Apollod. i. 9.2, 9.14). He took part in the Calydonian chase and the expedition of the Argonauts (Apollod. i. 9.16; Hygin. Fab. 14. 173). When he had succeeded his father as king of Pherac, he sued for the hand of Alcestis, the daughter of Pelias, who promised her to him on condition that he should come to her in a chariot drawn by lions and boars. This task Admetus performed by the assistance of Apollo, who served him according to some accounts out of attachment to him (Schol. ad Eurip. Alcest. 2; Callim. h. in Apoll. 46, &c.), or according to others because he was obliged to serve a mortal for one year for having slain the Cyclops (Apollod. iii. 10.4). On the day of his marriage with Alcestis, Admetus neglected to offer a sacrifice to Artemis, and when in the evening he entered the bridal chamber, he found there a number of snakes rolled up in a lump. Apollo, however, reconciled Artemis to him, and at the same time induced the Moirae to grant to Admetus deliverance from death, if at the hour of his death his father, mother, or wife would die for him. Alcestis did so, but Kora, or according to others Heracles, brought her back to the upper world (Apollod. i. 9.15).

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Sep 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Alcestis or Alceste (Alkestis or Alkeste), a daughter of Pelias and Anaxibia, and mother of Eumelus and Admetus (Apollod. i. 9.10, 15). Homer (Il. ii. 715) calls her the fairest among the daughters of Pelias. When Admetus, king of Pherae, sued for her hand, Pelias, in order to get rid of the numerous suitors, declared that he would give his daughter to him only who should come to his court in a chariot drawn by lions and boars. This was accomplished by Admetus, with the aid of Apollo.The sacrifice of herself for Admetus was highly celebrated in antiquity (Aelian, V. H. xiv. 45, Animal. i. 15; Philostr. Her. ii. 4; Ov. Ars Am. iii. 19; Eurip. Alcestis). Towards her father, too, she shewed her filial affection, for, at least, according to Diodorus (iv. 52), she did not share in the crime of her sisters, who murdered their father.
  Ancient as well as modern critics have attempted to explain the return of Alcestis to life in a rationalistic manner, by supposiung that during a severe illness she was restored to life in a physician of the name of Heracles (Palaeph.; Plut. Amator). Alcestis was represented on the chest of Cypselus, in a group shewing the funeral solemnities of Pelias (Paus. v. 17.4). In the museum of Florence there is an alto relieve, the work of Cleomenes, which is believed to represent Alcestis devoting herself to death.

Admetus and Alcestis.
From the book:
Old Greek Stories by James Baldwin
Bringing Yesterday's Classics to Today's Children


The son of Cretheus by Tyro, father of Admetus and founder of Pherae (Od. 11.259).

Pheres. The son of Cretheus and Tyro and brother of Aeson and Amythaon; he was married to Periclymene, by whom he became the father of Admetus, Lycurgus, Idomene, and Periapis. He was believed to have founded the town of Pherae in Thessaly.

Pheres : Perseus Encyclopedia

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