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Biographies (3)



LOKRIS (Ancient country) FTHIOTIDA
Acrion a Locrian, was a Pythagorean philosopher. (Cic. de Fin. v. 29.) He is mentioned by Valerius Maximus (viii. 7, ext. 3, from this passage of Cicero) under the name of Arion, which is a false reading, instead of Acrion.



Axiopistus (Axopiostos), a Locrian or Sicyonian, was the author of a poem entitled Kanon kai Tnomai, which was commonly ascribed to Epicharmus. (Athen. xiv.)


Charilaus (Charilaos), a Locrian, and a dramatic poet. Whether he wrote tragedies or comedies is uncertain, nor is anything further known of him than that plays of his were represented at Athens in B. C. 328.

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