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Listed 5 sub titles with search on: The inhabitants  for wider area of: "CESME District TURKEY" .

The inhabitants (5)

Ancient tribes


ERYTHRES (Ancient city) TURKEY
Named after Lycus, come from Crete, army of, restores Proetus to Argolis, lay an ambush for Bellerophon, at war with Cilix, Trojan allies, their kings of Ionia, their resistance to the Medes, tribute to Persia, in Xerxes' army.


Islanders originally, the chief people in the Minoan empire, friends of Minos.


There are yet three Ionian cities, two of them situated on the islands of Samos and Chios, and one, Erythrae, on the mainland; the Chians and Erythraeans speak alike

Names of the inhabitants


Perseus Project Index. Total results on 30/5/2001: 25 for Erythraeans.

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